Chapter 14:

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*Tom's POV*
I instantly felt bad for Alex when he was asked about his tattoos. I know what the scorpion symbolised and I knew it was bringing back terrible memories.
I didn't know about the one on his ankle. As soon as I saw it I wanted to go over and give him a hug but I knew it would raise more questions so I just cleared my throat and hoped everyone would interpret it as a signal to continue the game. And just when I thought the worst was over, someone decide that we should 'shake it up a bit.' I knew Alex was panicking internally as he knew on his turn he would be forced to pick truth. So I decided it was time to get involved.
*Back to the story*
Alex's phone beeped and he saw it was a message from Tom.

Tom - when it's ur go they might ask u 2 tell them ur secrets so we need 2 come up with a fake secret u can use.
Alex - what r u thinking
Tom - u could say something illegal u could have done
Alex - maybe anything else
Tom - idk something about u & me or school in general
Alex - k that might work thx
Tom - np

Alex kept glancing around the circle awaiting the dreaded moment. A girl with glasses was forced to pick dare and was dared to say all the people she had liked in the last year. Alex was extremely surprised when she said his name. 'How could she possibly have liked me? I've hardly been in school recently!' Alex thought to himself. He looked over at Tom who was rolling around in the floor with laughter. A few more rounds passed when Alex received another text from Tom.

Tom - I have an idea
Alex - pls help everyone is staring at me after that confession
Tom - I know it was hilarious
Alex - Tom!
Tom - ok sorry! Before I tell u it sounds crazy btw
Alex - pls just tell me!
Tom - u could say your secret is that you are dating me
Alex - what!? How would that help?
Tom - hear me out
Tom - 1st it would save u having to reject the girl who liked u & it would be a big secret so no one will think u r hiding a bigger secret!
Alex - u know what that's actually a good idea thx Tom
Tom - np & what do u mean by 'actually' I always have good ideas!

Alex put his phone away and anxiously awaited his turn. At least he now he sort of had a plan.
"Alex, you picked dare last time so you have to do a truth. Tell us your biggest secret!"
Despite having planned his response with Tom his was still nervous he could feel himself starting to break into a sweat under the pressure. He could sense everyone's eyes on his desperate to discover his biggest secret.
He glanced over to Tom who nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.
Alex took a deep breath and whispered
"I'm dating Tom."
A couple of people closest to him looked at him in shock but the majority of people in the room looked at him blankly having not heard his answer.
"I'm dating Tom!" Alex repeated loudly so that everyone in the room could now hear him.
The teenagers looked between the two boys in shock they couldn't believe what they had just learnt. Finally a girl with mousy brown hair spoke up.
"How long have you been together?" Alex looked over at Tom unsure of what to say. Luckily Tom saved him.
"Almost a year." The girl nodded her head satisfied with the response.
"A year! How did we not notice. It was so obvious! You were both so close and even when Alex was ill Tom you would alway talk about him as if you were worried something bad would happen and every time he returned to school you would become so much happier!" Tom turned slightly red at that last remark but only Alex noticed as someone shouted "we should probably go to sleep it's almost 3am!"
(A/N - Thank you to everyone who has read my story so far and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it)

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