Chapter 6:

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*Alex's Teacher's POV*
I sat on my bunk at the front of the barracks in shock about what had just happened. I can't believe that Rider had so many secrets. It really made me wonder if he was hiding anything else.
I tried to put that thought out of mind and instead listened to the students speculating their ideas about the mysterious boy.
(Trigger warning)
"I heard he went insane and killed his uncle in a fit of rage" someone shouted.
"I heard that after his uncle's death he became addicted to drugs" another boy added.
I listened to these speculations in disbelief whilst thinking. These rumours about Alex couldn't possibly be true. Could they?
*K-unit's cabin*
Snake entered the cabin without saying a word to his fellow unit members before collapsing into his bunk with his head in his hands. "Are you alright?" Eagle questioned the medic in an uncertain tone. "It's Cub." Snake mumbled in response. Not wanting to talk about what he had witnessed any more. The SAS soldier rummaged around in his medical bag.
Wolf, Eagle and Fox hovered over him in anticipation, desperate to know what had happened. Snake found what he was looking for and threw a thick medical file at his unit leader.
Wolf let out a loud gasp before passing the file over to Fox and Eagle who both had similar reactions to the rest of their unit. The four soldiers sat in silence for what felt like hours unsure of what to do next.
Finally, Eagle had decided there had been enough time for his comrades to take in this new information and broke the silence by shouting "how can MI6 do this to a teenager of all people?" His voice broke and he muttered, "He had his whole life ahead of him and they decided to take that all away from him just so his unfortunate situation could be used to their advantage.
Suddenly, the soldiers heard commotion in the distance and went to check it out as they had been given responsibility over the school trip much to Wolf's dismay.
*Alex's POV*
I needed to get out of that room. I couldn't face having everyone's eyes on me. I tried to block out the noise butI couldn't listen to the rumours any longer. I muttered something about needing fresh air to Tom before I almost sprinted out of the barracks.
The cool night air washed over me. It was oddly refreshing compared with the stress and secrets this trip has caused me. Despite the late night mist hanging over the camp, the stars were still visible peaking out from behind the buildings.
I needed to clear my mind.
The assault course loomed ahead of me daring me to take it on. Taking this distraction as the perfect opportunity to clear my mind, I jogged to the start of the course.
With my reflexes kicking in I sensed someone was watching me. Glancing at my surroundings I worked out that someone had followed me out of the barracks and was now watching my every move.
I thought about confronting them when I realised I no longer cared. Everyone had seen my scars. Everyone knew I had secrets. Everyone knew I hadn't really being ill during the long periods of school I missed.
With these thoughts still fresh in my mind I stood at the start of the assault course. It was the perfect way to take my mind off everything and just try to get the best time I possibly could.
I pressed a button on a screen at the side of the course. The loud beep sliced through the air signalling my time had begun. Without I second thought, I sprinted down the first stretch of the course.
*Back to the story*
K-unit jogged out of their cabin and made their way towards the assault course.
Upon their arrival the saw the group of teenagers crowding around the assault course. It was only once they barged through the crowd they saw Cub swinging from the railings and scaling the barriers while constantly preparing his next move in his head. The SAS soldiers watched the unofficial 5th member of their unit complete the menacing assault course in awe.
A few minutes later Alex had completed the course. The fair haired boy suddenly became very aware of his audience. He took in his surroundings and nervously smiled at them looking around at the other soldiers for help.
"Cub." Fox said slowly his voice trembling with shock. "Do you want to know your time?" The soldier asked still clearly in shock of what he had just witnessed the teenager do.
Alex's muscles were screaming at him. He found himself unable to speak so he slowly nodded his head in response.
"Your time was...
(A/N - Sorry for the cliffhanger. The next part will be out soon. Thank you for reading my story so far)

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