Chapter 8 (The bird of my dreams)

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It was only a few hours later when I awoke. Everyone else was still sleeping, even my little Song Bird was asleep wrapped in my wings. I was also wrapped in Soot's wings so it may have looked a bit awkward but I was extremely warm and with his huge wings wrapped around both Song Bird and I, I loved this and I felt like I had a real family. Scar was cuddled up with his "brothers" and Felicia was cuddling with Tramp. Right while I was looking at how cute everyone snuggled together I remembered that I hadn't introduced anyone to Song Bird. Then I noticed how weird it must look for Soot and I to be cuddled with a baby bird that my companions have never met, then the thought hit me what if they think Soot and I are together and adopted a chick. That would ruin Soot's reputation I know he said that he wouldn't care about his reputation but that was going too far. I was scared what if they made fun of Soot, then he would blame me and never want to be my mate. Suddenly I felt Soot twitch and looked behind me to see his beautiful eyes looking at me, he was confused. I guess he could tell I was concerned. He told me to go back to sleep. I asked him what would he do if the others thought we were together and thought that we adopted Song Bird. "Wait! That's not what we're doing?" he chirped so loud that he almost woke up the chick. His response made me blush and I said that I didn't know, finally he said it! The bird of my dreams looked at me straight in the eye and asked me to be his mate.

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