Chapter 6 (Hunting)

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As we flue on we had gotten pretty hungry and decided it was time to go hunting. The lions caught two rabbits then decided to take a break and eat them. Shinikwa just complained the whole time, and Scar, Compass and Wing just ate already dead animals they found, as the rest of us swooped over the ground and lakes catching mice and fish. Felicia looked so beautiful swooping over the lake collecting fish, I was proud to call her my cousin. Soot looked majestic as he caught thousands of mice and swallowed them whole, he was adorable even when he regurgitated the mouse bones, I mean seriously who looks good while regurgitating. And I just flue down to the ground picking up mice and swallowing them like any other normal owl. Sometimes I tried to impress Soot by catching a mouse, gutting it, eating its intestines first then swallowing the rest. Soot was impressed because when he tried, the mouse exploded, I burst out laughing. I had that one weird talent that nobody else can accomplish and it's funny to see them try. Then once the mouse exploded right away Soot caught another and swallowed it whole, as usual. After that we were done hunting and decided to explore where we might be spending the day to sleep.

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