My Sunshine Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sure it was pretty confusing." You said in a sad tone.

"Honestly, it was but don't worry. It's not your fault." Sonic said.

"We're just glad everyone is safe and sound." Amy said.

"I was happy to know that Knuckles cared so much for me but I was worried because he was heading towards a trap."

"When I saw him heartbroken, I had to take action and escape but Nicole was to strong but then Knuckles saved me. I am forever grateful."

Knuckles smiled and hugged you as you hugged back.

"We know its so sudden but do you think you might be interested to join our team?" Sonic asked.

Everyone looked at you with a smile. You thought for a moment and smiled back.

"I would love to."

Everyone cheered and hugged you as you hugged back.

Later, you all planned a welcome party and there was a lot of laughter and chatting. You walked outside and looked at the sunset.


You turned around and saw Knuckles walking towards you.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Hi Knuckles. I'm just watching the sunset."

"You don't want to be at the party?"

"I do. It's just I feel bad that this all happened because of me..."

Knuckles looked at you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, remember what Sonic said? It's not your fault. What matters is that everything is ok."

You smiled at him and said,

"Thanks Knuckles."

"And besides, I probably wouldn't have met you if any of this happened."

"That's true."

He grabbed your hands as you looked at him.

"You are my sunshine."

You smiled again as you both leaned in and kisses each other softly.

"Hey! You two coming!?" Sticks asked.

Knuckles pulled away and said,

"Yeah! Yeah! We're coming!"

Knuckles looked at you.

"Ready to head back in?"


You both held hands and walked back inside to enjoy the party.

That's the end! I hope you enjoyed it!

Knuckles Boom X Reader You Are My SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now