Mysterious Mobian Strikes Again Chapter 5

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The boys arrived at the scene and saw the Mysterious Mobian holding you in his arms.

"Let me go!" Y/N yelled.

"Wow guys. You are good at making villains." Knuckles said.

"Uh...Knuckles? That's not one of our villian creations."

The Mobian smirked as he looked at you. He placed you in a glowing sphere, which was now floating by him.

"Glad you came Sonic."

"Let the girl go and surrender!"

"Why would I do that? I need her for my project."

"What project?" Tails asked.

"And where's the gem you stole?!" Knuckles asked.

"Well it's my gem now. I am now growing stronger as we speak. I'm just here to give it a little test drive until it's ready for the main event."

"Why are you doing this?" Tails asked.

"You don't need to know but you should be thanking me. I'm doing all of you a favor here."

"We're not letting you hurt anyone!" Sonic said.

"Try and stop me."

His eyes were glowing red as he shot lasers out of his eyes.

"Duck!" Sonic said as he and Tails dodged it.

"Duck!? Where!?" Knuckles got hit and was knocked over to the ground.

Y/N gasped at this as he smirked.

"Enjoy the show doll." He said as he rushed towards them.

Sonic spin dashed at him, hitting him in the stomach. He grunted a bit and stood up.

"Halo ring!" He summoned a ring big enough to wrap around Sonic's body but not his legs.

"Hah! Is that the best you got!?" He continued to run fast as the Mobian was throwing light rays at him.

"Stay still will you!?"

"Nah! I don't think so!"

"You like being fast huh? We'll see how you like this! Speed of light!" A glowing ball hits directly at Sonic's chest as Sonic looked at the orb on his stomach.

He was suddenly starting to lose control over his legs.

"Uh...guys? Whoa!" He started running all over the place.

"Guys! Help! I can't stop!" Sonic said as his body continued running.

"Hold on Sonic!" Tails said as he flew towards Sonic.

"Light feather!" A beam hit Tails as he started to feel funny.

He tried to fly but he couldn't.

"Oh no!" His body started heading up higher in the sky like a balloon.



"Your turn muscle man. Disco bomb!" A disco ball came his way and he quickly dodged it as it exploded.

Knuckles dodged the upcoming disco balls and made it to the Mobian as he punched him. He lost his balance a bit but continued to fight back Knuckles.

"You don't want to fight me. I can give you something not even that little fox can give you."

"I don't want anything from you! I just want that girl to be released and my friends free!"

Y/N watched nervously as the Mobian kicked Knuckles on his back, knocking him over.

"Red like the flame. What a shame. Seems like you have yourself to blame for not accepting the offer." His hands turned glowing red as he aim his hand at Knuckles.

Knuckles closed his eyes, waiting for the pain but inside, he felt a strong wind by him and the Mobian was on the ground.

He looked up and saw Sonic who was still running but this time in circles.


"Got it!"

Knuckles rushed towards Y/N but he had no idea how to get you down.

"Don't worry! I'll save you!.... Somehow..." He tried to figure out what to do but while he was distracted, the Mobian was growling at him as he aimed his glowing hand at him.

"Knuckles! Look out!" Sonic said as he kicked the Mobian which made him aim his blast at the sphere.

The sphere hits a tree and deactivates, making Y/N fall. Knuckles gasped and jumped as high as he could and catches you. You hid your face in his chest which made him blush.

"I had enough of you! I will return to deal with you for good!" The Mobian disappeared and Sonic was finally able to stop running.

Sonic was panting like crazy, trying to catch his breath. Knuckles looked at Y/N.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. You saved my life. Thank you Knuckles."

"No problem." Suddenly they heard screaming from the distance. They looked up and saw Tails' falling from the sky.

"I got ya!" Knuckles threw Y/N to the side without thinking and ran off to catch Tails.

Y/N fell towards the ground and grunted in pain. Y/N sat up a bit and growled at him for just throwing you like that.

Knuckles was able to catch Tails as he was shaking in fear in his arms.

"Are you ok Tails?"

Tails was to busy shaking that he couldn't even speak.

Knuckles noticed that he totally forgotten about Y/N. He turned his head and saw you slowly getting up, rubbing the dirt off of yourself and walking away.

"H-Hey! Y/N! Wait!" Knuckles sets Tails down and runs off after you.

"Y/N! Wait!"

You looked at him and crossed your arms.

"Where are you going?"

"Well you just dropped me on the ground and left me there in dirt."

"I'm so sorry! I guess I wasn't thinking."

"I appreciate you saving me but throwing me like that was very rude and uncalled for."

"I'm sorry. How about I...I can..."

"He can take you to dinner!" Sonic said.


Sonic stood by Knuckles.

"Knuckles can take you to dinner to repay you for the damage we caused."

"Me?" Knuckles asked.

Sonic nudged him rudely and laughed a little.

"So...what do you say?"

You thought for a moment.

"Hmm...I guess I could give him a chance. Sure. Why not."

Knuckles grinned a bit as Sonic said,

"Perfect! So tonight at 7?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll forget what happened if you make tonight even better." Y/N said with a smile.

"No problem! We'll help me this dinner for you special!"

"Thanks. See you tonight Knuckles." You waved as you walked away.

Knuckles sighed dreamily as he watched you leave.

"Ok now. Let's get you home to get yourself ready. Wait. Where's Tails?"

"Over here." Sonic turned his head and saw him, holding his head.

"Are you ok?"

"Just a little woozy."

"Let's get some rest before tonight. Knuckles has a date."

"Hope it goes well." Tails said as the boys went home.

What's gonna happen next? Find out on Chapter 6. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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