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1st person/your pov

Currently at this moment it was after school, I'm pretty sure... I was standing in front of Hanako who's asking to go somewhere with him... to save someone... to help someone...

"Come with me to go grab the boy... I... I wouldn't like to go alone, please." If you were paying close attention, you could easily hear the fear in his voice. It was.... not something I ever liked hearing, from anyone.

"I was informed by the haku-joudai and would like you t-" "Don't ask again for something that involves him... only inform me and I will go, understand?" I looked at him with such eyes that anyone could tell was worried and sad eyes for him. He was so young, died so young, has to kill such dangerous and weird creatures so young and it just broke my heart.

I would've wanted to burst out crying right here, right now but I can't. There's no time to cry because I have to be there to help him.

After we got to where Kou was, Hanako had to stop this thing attacking the boy by stabbing and slicing it. It looked to me as if it was unconscious but chocking the middle child of the Minamoto's.

Hanako grabbed Kou out of the creature holding him and when Kou starting coughing badly I went to make sure he was alright. He noticed who grabbed him, said his name but then the bitch that looks like Hanako starts laughing. I'm going to be 100% honest, it's an annoying laugh, really annoying.

"Oh hi there Amane! How many years has it been? 10? Or 20 or nevermind. We just saw each other on the roof the other day." Tsukasa walked towards Hanako, I wanted to stand in between them but then Hanako grabbed his twin brother's shirt and pushed him on the wall asking him "why would you do this, Tsukasa?"

I could tell he was probably very pissed and possibly hiding fear.

Tsukasa thought for a moment then spoke, "I don't know. I guess I like the way people look when they stop holding everything in. What a great time we had back then. I smile when I think of that night you killed me." As he was speaking to Hanako, I noticed Kou walking to the still unconscious obvious friend of his and I stood in completely shock at everything happening.

After Tsukasa said that last part, it seemed Hanako possibly remember the scene that was just mentioned.

"Now that's a good look for you" Hanako let him go and back up a little but Tsukasa only grabbed him and moved his arms that were in the way of seeing his older twins faces. Hanako seemed to fighting back some tears and the fear. It's not my business but I need to step in, I'm not sure when though.

"You know I love you don't you, Amane? Come on let's play together, like we used to. Please." I don't know what happened, the more he talked the more pissed I was getting, I went to go punch him but something surrounded him and he was gone.

I heard Minamoto attempting to talk to his friend but I couldn't hear him clearly. He was talking and then crying but I was still so pissed to not hear him.

"We no longer have futures to fight for" I heard that, that's the one thing I could hear out of anything else? Hanako was right though. The thought of us being here doesn't mean we can still live some normal life. We can't.

We can't wake up every morning, get on with our daily routine and go eat breakfast with family. We can't get an education. We can't have friends and hang out with them. We can't finish school and go to college. We can't make new friends and find the person we would love to spread the rest of our life with. We can't grow old with someone or even alone because we aren't alive and we don't eat, we don't need to sleep, we don't need to fucking breathe, we don't need water, we don't need anything because we aren't alive.

I don't know what happened but when I let my thoughts Hanako told me I could leave and thanked me for at least being there.

I walked out and didn't know what to now do. I could go bother a certain oldest Minamoto but after that one night the memories are... very flustering and I would like some more time before I go see him again.

I look around again and remember the swords I have on me. I could possibly go outside and train with them. Practice and see how well I remember my sword lessons. So you see, I had to learn real sword techniques and fighting skills for a role to make it seem even more believable and all. I really did not feel like learning but then remembered I could show off to my classmates and all.

I had to start off with making sure I was holding it correctly and had a good stance. A favorite one of mine would I think be "Ko Gasumi" Japanese style stance.

A/n: you can have some whatever montage and practice however you'd like. I don't care, many people like different ways of wanting to do everything and all so yeah.

3rd pov

During some training after almost killing a tree, (Name) felt like they were being watched for a second. They decided to look around a bit terrified because who the hell could see them. After a second, the feeling went away but (Name) being (Name) then tried to listen more incase the eyes that were watching them was out there with them. Couldn't keep an eye out, they only had one eye, other still being covered.

Up in a window from the high school, a certain blond haired boy could be seen if one looked closely. The boy was looking down at the dead person with a bunch of swords, which with those swords they started swinging multiple at some bug on the ground.

Besides that, the blond had an extremely red face. Cause of the red face were memories from the day before.

Soon after the boy with blond got home and all that jazz, the dream he had wasn't the dream he thought he'd have.

Continuing, 3rd person pov

Squirming on his bed was the one and only- Teru Minamoto! He was doing this one thing but also something else...

Question you might be asking is... why is he squirming on his bed? Well currently he was having a dream... a wet dream. Don't think of it as weird or anything, after all it's only natural for someone his age.

"(N-name) please." Teru let out. He was dreaming yet to him it felt real.

"(N-name) I....I'm g-"

With you, 1st pov

"Who the fuck keeps saying my name, goddamn I'm tryna sleep."

A/n: short chapter I know and I apologize I just been dealing with a bunch if sh!t. But shoot that to the back who the hell was gonna tell me the small difference between blond and blonde? Blond is masculine and blonde is feminine? Man what the fuck☹️ So with that I'm blaming that reason on how English was not in fact my first language.

If there's any mistakes I have with grammar please let me know and I do apologize for them! Have a good day/night!

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