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Teru's pov

It's not something I thought would've ever happened in my entire life.

I know it's wrong but it just feels...

So right

Your pov🌚

Whats just a few seconds before Teru's thoughts

I decided to just keep eating it, there wasn't much but it still felt like it would take years to finally finish it.

It seems like Teru has started slowly and I'm talking very slowly has started eating it as well. How shocking.

So close to finishing and it's finally here, the little piece that's keeping us, I decided it was a good idea to just rip off the some extra parts and started to eat the last bits

then that's when it happened, I had my lips on his and he didn't push away, he instead put his arms around my neck and pulled me closer while I slowly put my hands on his waist.

It was a nice and sweet but I think he wanted something more because his arms around my neck only held on a little tighter and the kiss started to get a little more heated.

I pulled away and asked "Are you okay with this? And if we go a little bit further?" It didn't go unnoticed when his face turned red but he nodded either way, trying to hold eye contact as best as possible.

I felt so alive and I had so many thoughts going through my head as I slowly started going down his neck.

Teru's pov

'What type of dream am I living in right now? Because how... why do I wanna stay like this for as long as I can.'

They just keep going at it but eventually i accidentally let a... sound out because they kinda bit my neck at a certain spot.

Your POV

I stand there in shock for a second but decide to continue, it was like music to my ears and how much I wanted to hear it over and over.

2nd person pov (apologize for all the POV changes)

You start unbuttoning and taking off the top of his uniform while he just stood there looking at you with what anyone could see as lust in ones eyes.

His face was so flushed and he was looking extra submisi- *gets slapped* it was just a joke I'm sorry😓

His hands grabbed your head as it was slowly going lower. The sounds he made while you were biting and sucking on some of his skin leaving marks on his chest and neck was a blessing, truly a blessing to you.

"(N-name)!" But that's what made you come into realization, you were with THE Teru Minamoto, having him a small mess in the cooking room, him also having the top of his uniform mostly off. Of course you asked before getting this far but something was bothering you.

Just then you felt something was off.

Your POV

I whispered "What the hell..." It felt like there was something really off and it was bothering me a lot.

I get back up slightly from being at the level of Teru's chest and tell him "I'm sorry but I gotta go, I'll find someone to clean the mess." While putting his uniform back on for him.

He looked super confused, face red still and said "W-wait (Name) what's wrong? I-" I didn't let him finish as I quickly teleported away.

I appeared in the old theater here at the school. Someone was there at the steps of the stage, it surprised me a little.

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