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Your pov





"Why are you following me." "Well it seems I have nothing else to do, let me follow you." Yes that's right, I am currently following the one and only Minamoto Teru, but I was only bored with nothing else to do so of course I would try to look for something to do.

No one has needed much help in the school and lately it seems that every time someone tries to summon me, they immediately leave, I'm still glad people know I still am there but they don't take the chance to end someone's life but I guess that could make sense.

"So where are we going?" He sighs, probably accepting the obvious fact that I'm not going anywhere besides where he's going.

"To the cooking room, my brother asked me to buy some doughnut ingredients for him so I am on my way to make sure I get cause I was oh so nice to get them for him." That's... normal? Don't know but oh well.

I walk right to his side and say "Welp that's very nice of you Teru.

Once we arrived, we saw they were grabbing the doughnuts, probably to try some and Teru went behind his brother and smacked his head with whatever he had in his hands.

"Hey! What the heck?!" Kou said while grabbing his head. "Hi Minamoto." Nene said.



Wait she's here! I should say hello!

"I know you didn't forget who bought those ingredients for you, right? You wouldn't dream of eating those without your big brother now would you?" Not Teru taking Kou's breathing privileges away😺

"Hi Nene! How's it going?" I said, waiting for a response that never came thanks to Mr. older Minamoto here.

"Hey there Yashiro, are you making doughnuts too?" Am not gonna lie, I have no idea why I feel a little...


"Uh yeah." Nene started while hiding her face a little.

"Kou asked me to help him with these because he's not very good at cooking." She finished. Teru looked at her surprised.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Teru said as Kou started to freak out, I bet he does know how to cook, and very well at that.

"AHHHHHHHH! LALALA! HERE HAVE THE FIRST BITE!" Kou yelled as he shoved a doughnut into his brothers mouth, he looked over at a bag and threw a Mokke out of it because it was about to enter it, then filled it with some doughnuts.

"Here Nene, take these!" Kou said as he handed Nene a doughnut bag and started whispering to her, damn we couldn't here what they were talking about.

"Lmao you got a doughnut shoved in your mouth" I laughed at Teru as he finished the doughnut he was given. He only glared at me a little.

Teru tried to talk "You know it's really rude to stuff things into someone's mouth when they-" But got another doughnut shoved into his mouth.

"They're delicious right? Here have another!" Kou panic, at least Teru did like the doughnuts though so I think everything will be just fine.

"Well- I gotta go! I gotta take these to Hanako!" "Okay have fun!"

"I get it now! You didn't ask me to make doughnuts for you, you wanted to help make these right with me and Hanako! Well thank you, you're so sweet!" Nene told Kou, she left after that. Kou looked touched.

"She called me sweet."

Teru and walked to Kou and Teru places his arm on Kou's head saying "since when we're you bad cooking, Kou? You don't want her to know how domesticated you really are?

If anyone's bad in the kitchen, it's me. That's why I don't try and help very much. So what's with the random doughnut binge?"

"They're good..." great, now I'm stuck here looking back at one another, do they even remember I'm here?! This is so not cool! Very rude and very rude indeed!

"True but this doesn't have anything to do with that apparition, does it?" Damn, they did forget I was here, so I can't get "in trouble" if I listen.

"I know you think I'm weak because I never have exorcised an apparition an-" WELP this is where I stop listening.

After they were done talking, Kou decided to leave but first in walked into the cooking room to clean up.

"Hey Kou, don't worry about it, you should take a walk and I'll clean up, alright?" I smiled at him because he looked confused but left anyways.

Teru walked into the room and said "Wait why'd he leave? This place isn't clean." "Which is why I'm still here! I'm going to clean for him, he looks like he has something on his mind but so do you. Wanna talk about it after I've finished? Or maybe you want another doughnut? Of course we could always do something else that could take your mind off things."

I stare at him as he thinks about what I just said


"A-another doughnut would do just fine!" I feel so powerful when he's like this. Little disappointment could be seen on my face.

"Why do you look so disappointed?! We could never..." "we could never what? Think of something to do in order to take your mind off things? What? Did you think of something else? Oh how dirty of you Mr. Minamoto!" Great, I'm turning into Hanako.

"Wait no, I didn't think of anything! It's all in your head." Teru tried to save himself but "Really? Okay then, here" I went up to him with a doughnut in my mouth, slowly and I mean very slowly moving closer to him, he backs up until he hits the wall.

"Hey! Stop tha-!" Kinda like pocky but with doughnuts.

he looked too stunned to move and just kept looking at me. Should I keep eating the doughnut and see what happens?
A/n: comment what you wanna see happen, agree with other comments if you want what they said to happen because I honestly do not know what I'll do, I could just make a lime possibly if I get no comments like usual.And I do apologize for updating only now, I finally had something

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