Chapter 11

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Guys, I'm really, really sorry, but until my internet allows me to watch/read kuroshitsuji again, I can't upload my more new chapters. It's happening with a bunch of other manga/anime as well, but work perfectly with others. I'm not sure why, but I'm really sorry... Here's something to take you depression away :)


I won the contest, by a pheasant and a rabbit. Go Kuroi~

"Good shot, Kuroi." Ciel said, looking at the... I don't know what animal that was. It had a hole in its head, though, and I grinned at the compliment.

"Good kill." Frances said with a smile, trotting up to me on her horse. I smiled at her.

"You too, Madame. I hope we will be able to do this again." I said, and she nodded.

"Yes, I should hope so. If nothing else, you make a good host, Ciel." she said, turning to said boy. I giggled as he wrinkled his nose but nodded anyway.

"Thank you, Aunt. May I ask where Elizabeth is? It has been on my mind since your call to schedule, and now that I don't see her here, I'm rather disappointed." he said, looking at her. She smirked, but then it was gone.

"She has been unwell these past few days." came the reply, and Ciel looked up sharply.

"Unwell? What kind of unwell? Have you called the doctor? I know a marvelous doctor, the same one who's treating Kuroi. He does wonders, shall I give him a call? If it's Elizabeth, I can get him here in an hour, at most."

Dat. Acting. Skill.

Frances smiled genuinely for the first time since she picked her gun up to shoot that poor bird two hours ago.

"I think she will be alright with her current doctor, thank you Ciel."

"So it is bad anough for you to have to call a doctor? Are you sure you don't want me to...?"

"Quite sure. I have faith in her doctor."

"Oh, alright then. I suppose your opinion is one worth trusting, Aunt." Ciel; bullshitting like a boss.

Frances blinked, then smiled again.

"I believe I must be going now, Ciel." she said, and I blinked. That's it? All we did was shoot things. Speaking of, I was rather opposed to shooting those poor animals, y'know. That was why I aimed for the heads so that they wouldn't really feel it. When Frances leaves, I'm gonna bring them back to life and I'm gonna have some serious apologizing to do.

"Already? A busy woman, aren't you? Well, I suppose the next time we see each other like this we can speak more." Ciel said. Frances nodded as Sebastian opened the door to the house.

"If you would just come this way, Madame Frances, I shall escort you to the door." She nodded and moved that way, with Ciel and I following. Lucifer handed me something which I took without looking, then I smirked and popped it in my mouth.

Caramel drops~

"Madame, I hope when we meet each other again I will not leave such an impression as I did before." I chuckled as Sebastian helped her with her coat. She shook her head, dismissing it.

"Think nothing of it, dear. I hope when we meet again, we can speak more about things; you seem an interesting character." she said. I laughed as she got into her carriage and waved.

"Madame?" she looked back, and my eyes flashed red, making her smile fall. "I am."

Her carriage continued, even as her mouth dropped open in surprise. When it turned the corner, I cricked my neck.

In the time of the Queen, when her watchdog hunts (Book 4 of The New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now