Chapter 109 ~Provoking

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Noahs Pov:

No no no, Noah. Dont get a boner right now. I removed Dixies hands from me and backed up a bit. She is sounding horny and i like it but not when we are by people house

Noah: Im going to sit down. If you need help, tell me

Dixie: Can i get a kissy before you sit?

Noah: I dont think you deserve one. You definitely unearned one if anything, just now

Dixie: How? That should have made me earn plenty more

Noah: Nope

Dixie: You are an ASS!

Noah: Thank you!

Blake: Are we witnessing a fight or a disagreement that will work out soon?

Amelie: A disagreement that will soon work out

Since it was a square table with literally only four chairs, i sat on one side of the table and Blake sat directly from opossite me. Amelie handed Blake his food and glass of cold water and she sat on one side of the table with her food and a glass of soda while Dixie is just about to start to take out our food. She looks hot as fuck but what she said.......i know after that, if i stay too close to her, i will get a boner in a matter of seconds and i cant risk it

Dixies Pov:

I walked over to the counter, picked up a plate and started cutting the macaroni pie. I placed a peice on Noahs plate and a smaller peice on my plate then took out their ketchup and pepper sauce and placed it on both our plates. I rest two forks in the plates and poured us two glasses of soda then carried everything over to the table. After giving Noah his food and drink, i sat down, opposite Amelie and looked at Noah but he didnt look back so i looked at Amelie. Did i piss him off or is he scared that he might get a sure it is the second reason

Amelie: Talk to him, Dix. He loves you

Dixie: I know he does and i love him alot also. Im not angry with him, i think he is with me

Noah: You know im not. Im sure you know why i want to barely speak to you at the moment

Dixie: Oh, i know very well why

Blake: Lets eat otherwise i will bother both of you to know what secret you have

Everyone, including me, started eating and to spite Noah even more, i placed one of my leg on him, under the table. Sure, it was really uncomfortable but i wanted to go over his limits tonight. He looked at me, removed my leg from him them looked up at Amelie and Blake

Noah: May i be excused to go have a word with Dixie please?

Blake: Go ahead

Dixie: Nope, im dont want to speak, i just needed a foot rest

Amelie: Do u want me to bring something for you to put you foot on?

Dixie: No, my boyfriend lap is comfortable but he doesnt want my foot on it

Amelie: Noah, really?

Noah: Its only for today. She knows what she is doing and also knows why i dont want her to do it

Dixie: Your annoying sometimes

Amelie: How is the pie tasting?

Dixie: Really really really nice

Noah: Its delicious

Blake: Whose pie tastes better? Dix or Amelie?

Noah: I never taste Dix macaroni pie before

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