Chapter 17 ~ Counseling

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*Tatum and Hailey enters the living room*

Amy: Where is Dixie

Tatum: I think she needesd to be alone so she asked us to come down here. We heard Noah yelling on his phone and crying about how she said that she hates him

Heidi: But she really does not tho, she just wanted to be with him but you guys wanted to be with her and he wanted to hang out with Bryce so she reacted in a way that nobody expected

Tim: Do you see, this is why later i am going go be counsiling them both later

Bryce: They really like each other, i am sure Charli does not like Noah as much as Dixie does

Hailey: I hope they solve this issue and put it in the past

*30 minutes later*

Tim: Well we should probably get going now

Heidi: Ok, let me call Dixie real fast so she can go one time

*Heidi goes upstairs to Dixies room*

Heidi: *knocks then enters the room* Dix, i heard what happened before you send Tatum and Hailey downstairs but it is going to be ok. The Becks are leaving so come down now to go with them

Dixie: Do i have to?

Heidi: Yes. I did not know that you are dealing with bad mental health but now that i know, i will do everything i could to make you happy again, now lets go

*Dixie and Heidi walk downstairs to the front door where the Becks are already*

Heidi: Be very honest with him so that he can actually help you ok Dix?

Dixie: *hugs Heidi* Mom, there are some things that is better to be unsaid than said

Heidi: *hugs back* I know but open up to him as much as you could *kisses her head and pulls away from the hug*

Bryce: Do not hold anything important or big back from saying because if you do then the help will be unworth it ok?

Dixie: Ok

*They leave and now enter the Becks house. Tim locks the door and they are taking off their coats and resting it on the coat stand by the door*


Amy: Do you want anything to eat or drink before you go in the room Dixie?

*Noah comes downstairs and stands next to Tim*

Dixie: No, my belly is full, thank you for the offer tho *smiles*

Tim: Noah, you are going in the room with Dixie and I since you know most of her secrets about her life, if not all. Lets go

*They go in the room, lock the door and turns on the AC. Tim sits in his one person couch while Dixie and Noah sit together in the two person couch, opposite from Tim but not touching*

Tim: So should we first start with repairing whatever has broken between both of you?

Dixie: There is nothing to repair between us. He always chooses other people over me

Noah: She do not want to fix our issue dad and that is ok with me. Atleast i will not have to tolerate such a stubborn ass human

Tim: But you bother really like each other so why not give it a shot

Noah: Haha, like her? Very funny dad

Dixie: Yeah i do not like him anymore. He always does things that he know will hurt me

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