Chapter 15 ~ Needs Counseling?

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Amy: Everything good?

Dixie: Yup

*They continue eating and now they are still seated at the table but finished eating and is talking*

Tim: Heidi, if it ok with you, can Dixie come home with us after we lime here so i can speak with her?

Heidi: May i ask why do you have to speak with her again and why it can not be here?

Tim: I was a counsellor and as far as i can see, Dixie needs to let everything out instead of bottling it up in her because later on she will regret it

Heidi: She has never had mental health issues before so she is good

Noah: Mrs. D'Amelio, Dixie needs help, she is not treated correctly most of the times and she is really not dealing with that well

Heidi: What do you mean?

Bryce: Mom this is bad but Charli and i are part of the reason. Before you interupt me, let me explain how. I told Dixie that she can not get close to Noah and date her because i did not want it to ruin Noah and my friendship which has greatly hurt her. This morning when we were going to school, Charli and I was saying a set of hurtful things to Dixie such as she cries for attention, you get fed up of her and many more to the point where she was crying and we still continued to bully her. Noah told Charli and i multiple times to stop telling her stuff like that but we did not listen

Heidi: I did not expect that from you guys. I honestly thought that my children love each other and would stand up for each other when needed but clearly not. *looks at Bryce and Charli* Appologise now!!

Bryce: *looks at Dixie* Dixie, i am really very sorry for causing you so much pain and i wish i did not tell you to not get close to Noah because now thinking of it, you both would be a very cute couple and i did not mean what i said this morning

Dixie: Bryce i forgave you since you picked us up from school today *laughs* Werent we good and speaking to eachother, i do not need your appology

Bryce: Thank you Dix

Heidi: *smiles because of how easily Dixie forgave Bryce* Your turn Charli

Charli: Babe, lets go to my room

Noah: No, i am good down here. Appologise to Dixie

Charli: Why do you care if i appologise or not

Noah: Because before you and Bryce, i was friends with Dixie first and if she does anything that she will not be able to regret then i will never forgive you Charli and i mean it!!

Charli: Dear Dixie, the one who always needs attention, i am sorry about what i said to you today even though everything i said is true. I do not regret what i said or take it back so i do not know why i have to appologise to you but Dixie, i am sorry

Heidi: If you can not treat your sister with respect *gets up, grabs Charli hand and pulls her up from her seat* then you will be punnished

*Drags Charli into her room and locks her in it then goes back and sits with everyone*

Tim: Do you see what i mean, Dixie is not in a happy place in her life right now and she needs help

Heidi: *looks over at Dixie* You can go with them anytime if you need to talk to someone Dixie, i just want you to be happy

Noah: Mrs. D'Amelio, did you lock Charli in her room?

Heidi: Yes and she will not be able to come out since she is locked in there nor will you be allowed to go see her right now

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