Chapter 19 ~ Rude

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Dixie: *rolls her eyes* Charli there is a child here

Charli: *stops kissing Noah and stands next to him* You could have carried her away *rolls here eyes* Anyways, i am going to freshen up and Dixie dont you dare touch my man

Dixie: Oh i do not want him

*Charli leaves*

Noah: Jealous or?

Dixie: How can i be jealous of Charli when you do not even kiss her back. I like what we have, it may not be much but atleast its something that we can cherish and live in the moment rather than do things to show off and try to make people jealous like what Charli does

Noah: *smiles* Its good to see that you are over your jealous phase

Bella: Me want Nowh

Dixie: *gives Bella to Noah*

Bella: *whispers in Noahs ear* Kiss her Nowh

Noah: *smiles and kisses Dixie*

Dixie: *pulls away* The fuck was that for Noah

Noah: It was just a kiss relax. Do you want me to stop kissing you?

Dixie: No but Charlis mouth was all over yours

Noah: I will re-brush my teeth

*A little later, they are now going to enter the car to go to school*

Bryce: Ok get you guys seat, i will drive you guys like usual

Charli: Babe, you sitting in the back with me

Noah: Um sure, lets go *Noah and Charli enters the car. Charli is in the end and Noah is in the middle*

Dixie: *rests Bella car seat in the end, next to Noah and buckles Bella into it* Be good in the back here ok princess?

Bella: Ok Disy

Dixie: *closes the back door and hops in her seat as Bryce starts driving* Bryce, can you not drive too fast, Bella is in the backseat

Bryce: Noah is there to protect her

Dixie: But still, i need to make sure that she is 100% safe so slower just until she returns to her parents?

Bryce: Fine *drives slower*

Charli: Bella is in a car seat and safe. Dixie always has to be a bitch about everything


Charli: I do not care

Bella: *starts crying because she gets scared*

Noah: *picks her up and rocks her in his hands but she still is not calming down* Dixie, she is not calming down

Dixie: Give her to me

*Noah hands Dixie Bella and Dixie hold Bella like a baby, close to her chest*

Dixie: *rubbing her back* I know baby, i know. Bryce scared you but its going to be ok, i promise. He was just correcting Charli for what she has said. Nothing will happen to you ok baby? I will always protect my princess *kisses her head*

Noah: *Thinking: Dixie is so gentle and calm with babies, its literally so cute*

Dixie: *still rubbung her head* Its ok, calm down princess

Bella: *calms down alot* Me go by Nowh

Dixie: *kisses her head* Sure *hands Bella to Noah*

Bella: Me luv you Nowh

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