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Laying with Liam was almost a fever dream. He was gone for literally a day, but the bond made it seem as if it were a week. We were back in our position, his head on my stomach, his arms wrapped around my waist while my hands played in his hair. We were home. We may have been on Scott's couch with Hayden on the opposite end, but we were home in eachother's embrace.

"Liam?" i whispered towards his ear. It was a school day and i needed to know if we were going in or not. "Liam." i spoke a little louder, lightly scratching his back to wake him up without the risk of hurting his injuries. I had no idea whether they were fully healed yet or not, so i took the safer option.

I always healed faster than him, his ability to heal having what i would describe as a higher metabolism on me, and once i was healed i could no longer feel that injury even if Liam was still healing.

"Mhm." he groaned, snuggling his head closer to my stomach as his wrap around my waist tightened, his arms snaking further around my body.

"You okay to go into school today or you want the day off?" i asked in a soft voice, my hand still carding through his blonde hair.

"I'll go in, just a little late. Skip Jardain's class." he smirked. Even in his drowsy, half-asleep state, he still managed to bring a smile to my lips.

"Okay. Go back to sleep, heal up." i spoke, moving to get up but before i could he pushed me back down, his head shooting up.

"Don't leave." he practically begged.

"What's wrong?" i asked, relaxing back in my position, noticing that Hayden was gone.

"You take the nightmares away." he spoke, a sense of vulnerability in his voice. "Please?" he asked, urgent in his tone.

"Hey, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." i assured him, his once tense body relaxing with my words, a small smile making itself at home on his lips.

"I love you." he muttered, scooting further up my body, his head now on my chest.

"I love you too." i smiled, his hair tickling my chin as i kissed his forehead, closing my eyes in hopes of falling back into my slumber.


"I'll see you in forth period history okay? And Lunch." he smiled softly at me, brushing my hair of of my face with his rough hands.

"I have Math after that." i smiled back at him, looking him in the eyes.

"I know." he smiled, intertwining our fingers together. "I'll be okay."

"You better be." i was nervous to let him out of my sight.

"Hey, i'm right here." he spoke, touching the slightly exposed scar tissue on my collarbone. I nodded, sighing.

"They only come out after dark right? So they won't go for anyone while we're here?" i asked with slightly shaky hands. I didn't know how these dread doctors worked, and i sure as hell didn't want to find out. But most of all, if there was a chance that they had Liam there for a reason other than that he was with Hayden, i didn't wanna risk him being taken while still in school.

"They aren't coming after me." he reassured me, cupping my cheek with his hand. "I love you." he whispered onto my lips, planting them on mine. The kiss wasn't anything special for us, but for others it could've been a kiss with the most emotion held inside of it. It was one of longing, and hope for the other's safety. A smile cemented itself to my face, i had my Liam back.

"I love you too." i spoke as we pulled away, but he pulled me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head. "Come on, you're gonna be late to gym and Coach's gonna yell at you again." i urged him, slightly pushing him away. He smiled, walking backwards out from where we were stood behind the buses. Subconsciously my hand reached for the scar, just touching the warm skin. He turned around, walking backwards for a minute with a smile before he turned around again.

I'm human | Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now