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"It's good to be home." i sighed, flopping down on the bed, Liam following beside me.

"Malia's here." he said, looking across at me. I sat up, and without a word, ran into Stiles' room.

"Where have you been?" I almost demanded an answer.

"Talking to Peter." She replied.

"Peter? Why?" She only handed me the list, her name reading Malia Hale instead of Malia Tate. "Wow, okay." I skimmed down the list, finding my own name with 3 next to it.

"Okay, I think that's a good idea." Stiles muttered.

"If he can help me find my mother."

"Hey, you might be related to him but you're not like him." Stiles reminded her.

"Maybe i am." Malia sighed, walking over to Stiles' board and sticking the remaining list up. "That night i caused the car crash."

"When you were out of control?" i deadpanned, walking towards her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "It was a full moon, it wasn't your fault."

"There's a part i didn't tell you about. Right before we got in the car, my mother-" she cut herself off. "My adopted mother, i guess. We got in a huge fight. I don't even remember what it was about but, i remember what i said."

All of our eyes were full of tears, as she spoke the next line.

"I said 'I wish you were all dead'."

"Killing doesn't run in a family." Stiles said, stepping forwards as a single tear ran down her cheek, wiping it away.

"Maybe it does in mine." She sighed, sniffling and walking out of his door. I looked down at the list, wiping my blurry eyes to focus on the list properly.

"She'll come around- why is derek the sipher key? I thought the names were of people who were dead." i asked frantically.

"We don't know." Stiles sighed, wiping his own eyes. I looked up at him, pulling him into a much needed hug.

"She'll be okay, i promise." i smiled at him as i pulled away, walking down the corridor.

"I love you!" i yelled to him.

"Love you too squirt." i heard a faint voice from his room.



"Don't you need to go home?"

"Yea, Mason's meeting me so i'll be fine." he smiled, feeling the worry that i did.


"Promise." And with that, he jumped out of the window.

That night, all i could feel was fear, until finally it stopped, allowing me to go pick up my dad with Stiles from the police station.


"Anybody seen Parrish?" The Sheriff called out of his office, of which i was sat outside of. When nobody answered he tried again.


"Haven't seen him." he smiled, sweat dripping down his face.

"Can i leave yet?" i whined, sitting on the bench outside his office, waiting for him to finish up with Stiles and Lydia.

"We're nearly done, and then we can get dinner." he smiled at me.

"Okay." i smiled, picking up my phone and scrolling through Instagram. That was until the doors flew open, revealing a very naked and very charcoaled Jordan.

I'm human | Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now