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I awoke with a scream, a sharp shock running through my left hand. I looked around the room in the hospital where i laid, finding it vacant if you didn't count Melissa who was standing up, rushing to my side.

"The tunnels." i whispered, but she heard.

"The tunnels? What do you mean?"

"The tunnels. They're in the tunnels." i sighed, reaching up to touch my collar bone for comfort, the flesh warming beneath my fingers. I heard her calling Scott, telling him he had to get to the tunnels, and then i heard Stiles.

"You tell me man, you're the mechanic! If the gas tank didn't rupture and nothing electrical was broken then how did the fire start? Spontaneous combustion, that's your answer? Are you kidding?" it was faint, but it was there, right outside my door.

"What are you doing here?" My dad sounded.

"Dad, you've gotta leave the body." He said, urgent.

"Melissa can you call him in please?" i asked, sitting up slightly.

"I can try." she smiled, walking out of the door.

"Yeah, you've been real busy. Arresting people you know are innocent." Stiles scoffed.

"Go home." my dad instructed.

"No. I'm here to visit my sister."

"Last i heard she wasn't speaking to you Stiles. What was it that you said?"

"I wasn't thinking straight, okay? I didn't mean it." he sighed, and i pictured him looking at the ground, occasionally looking up like he always did. And then the voices disappeared, fading off as the elevator door dinged. I sighed, knowing that it would be a while until i got a visit from anyone, deciding to close my eyes and go back to sleep.

That was easier said than done though. The constant, aching fear that something would happen to Liam while i was sleeping overcame me, leaving me to stare at the ceiling, even after Melissa poked her head in to tell me that she couldn't find Stiles. My hand remained on my collar bone for hours, until my hand got cold and i had to move it under the blankets. I immediately felt a change of mood, even if it was a slight change, it was there. I moved my warmer hand back up to my scar, the content feeling fading back in to my senses.


I let out a shriek, my hands trembling as i reached under the blankets to pull up my shirt, revealing a hole seeping black. I threw my head back, yelling out in pain. My hand left my collar bone, eliciting a mood change, from positive to slightly less positive. He wanted it there, so he knew i was safe, but right now i wasn't. Melissa rushed into the room, eyes wide when she saw what the cause of my suffering was. She grabbed a gauze, pressing it down onto the hole in my abdomen, looking up at my face.

"What happened?" she asked alarmingly.

"I don't know." i managed through gritted teeth, Stiles stumbling into the room with concern written all over his face.

"What the hell happened?!" he exclaimed, rushing over to grip my hand.

"I'm okay, I can feel it healing." i grunted, squeezing his hand, watching as his face contorted into a silent scream. I allowed a small smile to slip at the mere expression the boy was displaying, but it was gone as quick as it came. It was replaced with a scream as an extra intense wave of heat surged through my abdomen, leaving me panting and glistening with sweat as all of the pain left my body, the hole having disappeared into a scar the size of the pad of my thumb.

"What the hell was that?!" Stiles yelled cradling his hand, confusion and concern set into his face.

"He did something. I don't know what it was, but it hurt like hell." i panted, sipping from the water bottle Melissa held up to my lips. "Thanks Auntie Mel."

"No problem." She smiled.


"Okay Addie, you're going home." she smiled, knowing that i would read between the lines.

"So he's okay?" i beamed, reaching to touch my collar bone.

"He's asleep at my house right now. Stiles is going to drop you off." She nodded.

"Thank you, for everything." i smiled, watching as she walked out of the door, Stiles walking in to carry my bags out to the car.

I was changed and sat in the passenger seat of a rental car, the jeep being in the repair shop, when Stiles started talking.

"Listen Addie, I'm sorry about what i said. It was in the heat of the moment and i didn't mean a word of what I said. I was just so angry about having to be with Theo and i guess you got caught in the crossfire." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I messed up and i don't know how to fix it, just- tell me how."

"Stiles, i forgive you." i chuckled, watching his thrown off expression.

"Really? That easy?" he asked, dumbfounded, "'Cause i have more where that came from."

"Yes Stiles, now can we drive faster please? I want to see my boyfriend." i sighed, laughing as he rolled his eyes and gagged.


"Oh my god." i whispered, rushing over to the couch where he was barely awake. "Hey." i smiled, kneeling beside him and pushing his hair out of his face as he peered up at me through tired eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, shuffling up the sofa so i could sit beside him, moving to lay his head on my thighs.

"I'm okay." i smiled with tears in my eyes, stroking his hair from his face, watching it bounce back as i let go. He wrapped his shivering arms around my waist, snuggling his face into my stomach for warmth. Scott noticed the slight shake in his body and then in mine, grabbing the quilt off of his bed and pushing it around us, making sure to tuck it behind his head. Stiles grabbed the extra blanket from the basket by the couch, pushing it around my shoulders for my own warmth.

"Where's Hayden?" i asked, realising that she was missing.

"She's upstairs, sleeping." Lydia assured me with a smile, admiring the adoration in my eyes as i looked down at him. I smiled at his evened out breathing, and the smile that was glued to his face. His breath fanned my belly button, tickling slightly but i waved it off, lacing my hand with his as i thought about nothing but him.

I thought about how his smile always lifted higher on one side, how his freckles were there but they were way too faint to see if you weren't looking for them. I thought about the way his eyes light up when he sees something he likes, or his little pout when he's hungry.

I thought about how he always tries to match his clothes to mine, how he always wanted to be the cliche couple in school. The couple who dress like eachother, share food, surprise eachother with gifts, walk hand in hand wherever they go, have almost the exact same classes. He would always wait for me after classes, walk me to my next class if they were different to his, save me a slice of his favourite pizza even when he wanted it so badly.

I thought about his perfectly bushy eyebrows, and how he begs me to shape them when they get too long. I thought about how i told him that my favourite colour was badly blue, and how if i ask him what his is, he'll say the exact same thing. Baby blue. How he incorporates it into every outfit, whether it's a necklace, bracelet or a ring.

I thought about how he wears everything i buy him, including the rings that are slightly too big fo his fingers, instead of rejecting them he puts a tiny rubber band around the back of it to make it fit. He always appreciated me for who i was, no matter how moody or bratty i was acting, he always cared. And he always loved me, And for that, i would never stop loving him.

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