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"You're really wearing that to France?" Liam asked, laying on the end of my bed as i got dressed.

"Yea, I wanna be comfy on the plane." i shrugged, pulling on my woolly jacket.

"It's gonna be roasting there!" he pointed out.

"True, and that's why i have these super cool sunglasses for when i get off." i smiled mockingly, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, you're not serious are you?" he asked, and i chuckled.

"No Liam, i'm not serious. My super cool sunglasses would never go with my super cozy outfit." i mocked, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, no need for the sarcasm. God it's starting to feel like i'm dating Stiles." he scoffed. I smiled, throwing more of my mish mash clothes in my suitcase, folded of course.

"I can't believe i'm not going to see you for a whole 2 weeks." i pouted, flopping down on the bed next to him and turning my head to look at him.

"I know, it's gonna be so hard." he pouted back, "But you're gonna facetime me everyday right?"

"Of course i am." i smiled, pressing my lips to his, a hand resting on his cheek. I pulled back at the horn of my brother's jeep beeping.

"I have to go. Isaacs meeting me at the airport and he's already left so i can't miss this flight." i frowned. He pulled me back in for another soft kiss.

"Liam i have to leave." i whined, sitting up.

"I know, why can't i come with you at least to the airport."

"Because you're going with Stiles to school." i reminded him, "I'm going with my dad to the airport."

"Okay, okay. I love you." he smiled, picking up his bag.

"I love you too." i smiled, grabbing my 2 suitcases and walking down the stairs, packing it into the boot of my dad's car.

"Off we go." i sigh, getting in the passenger's seat.


I got off the plane, the hot air of France hitting me. I immediately took off my coat, holding it on my arm and fanning myself with my hand until it begun to ache. My phone started ringing.

"Addie? Where are you! The plane landed 2 minutes ago! Get out here!" Isaac yelled.

"Can i just stretch my legs? Jesus, 8 hours on a plane, you'd think i'd get some compassion." i chuckled.

"Just hurry up." i could hear his eye roll from the other end of the phone.

"Fine, i'm walking past security now." i smiled.


30 minutes later, i had gotten past security and i had gotten all of my bags from the baggage claim. Now i had the impossible task of finding Isaac in this crowd of people.

My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the tall blonde in a sea of travellers, nothing standing out to me. Then i saw a great big banner with Isaac's name on it. It was the exact one that i had made with Allison.

"No way." i mumbled under my breath, the path clearing to reveal Isaac standing there with a broad smile on his face.

"Addie!" he yelled, running up to me and picking me up into a hug.

"Isaac." i beamed, holding him tighter than i think i ever have.

"We have so much to talk about, there's this guy who lives next door and he gave me a free gecko! With the enclosure and everything! He's so cute and so friendly and he loves cuddles." he explained as we walked towards his car.

I'm human | Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now