Final Day- 31st Dec

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You woke up with puffy eyes and merely any rest. You made you mind not to let this repeat even if it meant ignoring your feeling and especially Bucky, which in contrast to your belief became easy, cause he was not there the whole day. You hadn't heard of him from anyone too.

Steve had tried contacting him but it was unfruitful. Later Steve contacted his friends, no use,  then at last Dot, who said that she was excepting to see Bucky in the evening as he had told her. She said he must be busy cause he didn't go to lunch with her which she had planned two days in advance.

Steve told you this as he received this information. Somewhere knowing that you wanted to know but would never ask. You realized you will have to live with this, with the feeling of incompleteness and his absence. But that's what you were trying to achieve right?

By the evening you were not in the mood to go to the ball, to go anywhere actually. Nat and Wanda noticed the sudden change in you and you tried to play if off saying you were really missing your family just like you had told Steve.

If it were not for Wanda and Nats urge to get you dressed and take you to the party, you would have never left you bed.

"Okay I'll do hair" Nat exclaimed as you came out of the washroom after cleaning you face.

"Makeup department is mine" Wanda said clapping her hand together in excitement.

"There's nothing left for us to do?" Darcy said as she and Peggy entered the room.

"Oh hey you both look beautiful" Natasha said and you and Wanda nodded with wide-eyes, she added "Let's get this mess sorted" pointing towards you. Peggy nodded looking towards you with a smile, engulfing you in a warm hug  knowing the reason of your sudden sadness instantly as Steve updated her on you, at least that's what she thought.


"You really think this all is necessary!?" You ask as Peggy and Nat select a matching pair of heels for you.

"Yes!" All four say in unison making you smile.

You had become really close in these few days and few meetings.

You put a fight to the last minute saying different things while hiding the real reason. You didn't want to see Bucky especially Bucky with his date.

Yet here you were with Liam in his car, halfway to the destination. He was talking to you for sure, you could hear his voice for the past 20 minutes in the ride, you were even nodding occasionally but you couldn't tell if the topic was food or dinosaurs or either of them. Your mind was swinging between reliving the events of last day and your plan to ignore everything and try be normal and unaffected.

When you reached the place, you were greeted by many familiar faces. It was huge hall with beautiful architecture. A huge amount of people gathered there. The place was lavish. And with everyone in ballgown and suits made it feel like Disney a movie. It was so huge, the place that you could get lost in seconds.

(Your dress, ofc change it if you want to:)

Hugs and handshakes coming from all directions

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Hugs and handshakes coming from all directions. You soon found yourself moving towards the bar with your colleagues, including Nat and Wanda along with Steve and Peggy, and Liam who was holding your hand even tho you hated it.

"Come on, smile a little bit princess" Steve said nudging you.

You forced a smile.

"Relax it's gonna okay, you have us" Wanda said sitting beside you, and all four hugging.

"Yeah, and just enjoy okay" Nat said hugging you after Wanda

30 minutes into the party and all were already on their 3rd shot, with having some food. You had refused to drink of course. You don't wanna be drunk and do something stupid. Your head automatically turned, and your eyes started their search on hearing a familiar voice laughing. You realized your mistake the moment you saw Bucky laughing with Dot as her hand landed on his chest to pat him. 

The pain you had, somehow managed to overcome your will power. Was it even that funny! Your eyes met his before you locked away and he just stared at you as if he was looking at a beautiful scenery.

As if this all was not already enough, Dot and Bucky approached where you all sat and greeted you all. This time you managed to control yourself, you did not look up, not while hugging Becca, Bucky's cousin, not while shaking hands with Bucky's friends, not while meeting his dad, not when you knew he was looking at you, not even once.

"Dad these are my friends" Bucky said his eyes lingering over you a little longer than required, "This is Steve and that's.."

"Y/N, she's y/n from your school isn't she" James said excusing himself to give his full attention to his son and his son's friends.

"Yes sir" you said looking up in surprise to see Mr. James' smiling face.

"It's James dear" Mr. James said shaking your hands then doing the same with Steve saying, "Steve of course"

"Hello James" Steve said smiling.

"Dad.." Bucky said still confused and shocked, his dad was meeting you for the first time he couldn't possibly know you.

"Oh, you haven't changed much from the photos in year book Y/n" James said realizing way you three had you eyebrows knitted together. You smiled, Bucky must have had told him, hadn't he!

If whenever you and Bucky talked (to avoid an awkward situation twice), which was all little formal talks you did not look at him at all. You knew why you were ignoring him but had no idea why Bucky would do it because he wasn't talking to you, "Hello" and "Thank you" were the only things he said to you, that's not called talking. 


"Come on madame" Liam smiled reaching his hand out for you to take as 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran started in the background.

Hours had passed, Bucky had introduced Dot to James, and Mr and Mrs. Jones and their daughter, Alicia Mary Jones. Everyone was greeting each other and enjoying the party, everyone but you.

"Are you not little too drunk!?" you fake laughed, clearly not wanting to do that dance.

"We'll find out" Liam chuckled grabbing your hand and taking you toward the center of the hall, where the ball had just begun.

"I don't know how to..." you began to say as he reached for you waist and leaned in, making you to turn you head to the side to avoid the unnecessary closeness.

"You will do okay" He whispered into your ear.

It all felt so bad, so wrong, you just wanted to run away but restrained yourself from doing so, not wanting to create drama and draw unwanted attention. You knew it was due to his drunk state.

You knew you were doing horrible, not even a step on beat, leaning as far away as possible, maybe that was the plan 'you do horrible, and Liam leaves you to find another partner'. But he was drunk enough not to care too much about the dancing.

A Thousand Years by Christina Perry started playing. Your posture changed and so did your focus when your eyes found Bucky and Dot dancing, this sudden change got Liam's attention. Liam could not reason your sudden shift of behavior and tightened his grip on you. Your brows furrowed and you glared at him because his tight grip really hurt. You were just about to push him aside when you heard the loud blast of music and firecrackers in the sky and a huge round of applause, everyone cheering 'Happy New Year' in unison. 

Your eyes suddenly searched on their own accord and found Bucky and your heart started aching like it had been cut out of your body when you saw him and Dot just about to kiss, her hands already in his hair. Thank God you could not see his face which must be filled be pleasure and happiness. A tear drop managed to fight your will and made its way out of your eyes. That was it. You couldn't take it anymore; you have no genie, that you ask for a wish and everything just get perfect and go back to normal.

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