2 Days left (II)

634 31 20

"You are staying here! At least for few months, please!?" is how Steve begged you and convinced you to stay here for some time. Right now, tho you had only come to live till the party, you hadn't brought any more stuff from your house for staying longer. Nat and Wanda were gonna come here tomorrow and stay the day and leave for the party from here.

It was 3 in the afternoon, you silently shut your door and put you shopping bags on the bed, excusing yourself to freshen up.


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing" you say shocked, freezing in your place. You were back to your room from the balcony and were now trying to do a little practice for the ball, so indulged and busy in that that you didn't notice your door open and Bucky lean on the doorframe.

"Is that your gown, are you preparing for the ball?" Bucky said tilting his head to one side and giving you a one-sided smile.

"No," You say but continue when he raises an eyebrow and enters the room fully with a smirk "yeah maybe, cause I have never done this, never been to a ball before, it's...what..."

"Your hands" He says reaching for your hands "go here" he continues, putting your hands over his shoulder "closer"

"Okay" You say wide eyed, stepping closer and almost vibrating when he puts his hands around your waist.

"And now you follow my lead, swing along with me" He smiles down at you, slowly swinging to the humming music he started making.

"Are you gonna start singing now?" You say jokingly, trying to follow his steps and not show how nervous and weird you are feeling because of his presence mainly, which never happened before.

He chuckles and you gasp when he pushes you gently and then yanks you back by your hands, you placing one hand on his shoulder and the other in his right hand, his left hand on your waist again.

"Back and forth and sway to the music" he says with a smile a smile that can conquer the whole world, his eyes locking with yours for small intervals as you keep looking up and back down to follow his steps.

He is really good and so gentle. Seems like he has done tons of practice, with other girls of course. This thought brought a little disturbance to your mind and before you could put this thought away and focus on the steps, you trip, stepping on his foot. Resulting in you leaning on him and hold him tight for balance, he tightens his grip on your waist. Your faces only inches apart, you could feel his beating heart against your racing one and his soothing scent which could make any one fall for him.

 Everything just went blur except those shining ocean blues looking down at you. It must have been only a fraction of seconds but for you it was like the world stopped and like, like you were in love. But you know that you are not... you cannot be, could you? This spell has to break, you thought.

"Stop laughing, I fucking tripped" you said chuckling, trying to regain your previous position.

"I wouldn't let you fall" Bucky says as he suddenly stopped smiling and looked into your eyes, not letting his grip loose.

You knew it would be difficult for you if you continued this dancing any further, but you couldn't fight it, you didn't fight it. You stooped trying to move back and let yourself free letting him take full control of you, losing yourself into him, your eyes locked to his, you body following his lead.

You stayed like that and danced like there is nothing else left in the world for you two to do. He gently lifted your hand above you head and urged you to take little rounds and you did. Then he gently yanked you towards him. Your free hand hit his shoulder. Just when your mind struggled to understand what he was up to, you feel yourself lean back down, Bucky slowly following finally reaching you neck and stopping there. 

Right then you felt that feeling again although it never left you since you tripped, the feeling of being in love. Was it real? Where you in love? Is this what love feels like?

You could not see the upside-down world as your eyes were closed also cause you felt like your world was in your arms, holding you protectively and lovingly, leaning down to your neck placing the mark of your love there and not moving up, not moving at all, as if saying 'I am here for you, all yours. I will never leave you'. All you wished was to stay like that forever, in the warmth of his presence, being his, all his.

"Am I interrupting something?" Dot said in an agitated tone, clearing her throat making her presence known.

It was so sudden or maybe you two were so lost that you both got equally shocked, causing him to slightly loose his grip, making you out of balance. But thank goodness he caught you, again. Looking back at you and you at him through your trembling eyelashes, him whispering a silent "I won't let you fall". 

A sad smile managed to creep on your lips. Knowing your world of imagination just broke into a million tiny pieces, knowing you cannot fight for this because you have no right to. You knew this was gonna happened, this spell was gonna break, you knew that you signed up for this but it was worth it.

"No" you answered abruptly, ignoring the un-named pain in your heart. Trying to stand on your feet. Trying again and failing, again.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you look up in those eyes, where you now find home. 

But, it wasn't the same it was just a moment ago. His eyes lost that shine, he did not have the same amazing unknown expression anymore, it was yet unknown but different and it was hurting you. He kept looking for a few seconds like he was struggling, like he wanted to say something but then abruptly stood up and lifting you to your feet.

"You are sure right!?" Dot scoffed.

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