I gotta come with you stupid!

815 33 4

"You woke me up and appeared on my door early morning like crazy, asked me to get dressed and come with you, even after me giving you a death warning, to show me your favorite stuffed toy store!" You said blankly, literally stopping in the middle of mall in front of 'Hamleys'.

"No." He would be so embarrassed if anyone, especially you got to know about his stuffed toys addiction or that he still sleeps with his favorite stuffed toy and has even given him a name. "Beside it there, it's that, the café" he pointed to the café on the right side of the toy store.

"Seriously! To?"

"Sit down drink coffee and talk about 'the important stuff'"

"We could be at my house; I could make coffee there and sit and talk about 'the important stuff'" You say air quoting.

"I wasn't sure if you wouldn't poison me" he shrugged, making his way inside.

"Yeah!" you nod making a mental note to add it in your 'ways to kill Bucky Barnes' notebook.

"Are you trying to be a gentleman?" you chuckled sarcastically, taking a seat on the chair he pulled for you, before seating himself across from you.

"I'm a gentleman" he said with that 'proud' smirk.

"Playboy" you scoff.


"Omg are you searching for a date or a wife!?" you say in disbelief "I might as well carry a notebook writing down your 3000 demands!" you scoff sarcastically.

"Actually you should! This should be believable or I'm done" he says nodding.

You give him a dirty look before grabbing your stuffs and heading out.

"Where are you going?" he asks following you out.

"Why you wanna know?"

"Can't you answer one question straight?"

"Home! God!"

"Home! It's Sunday"

"So? Your home sets itself on fire on Sundays?" You stopped and turned back to say, before continuing walking again.

"No nerdy" He laughs and starts walking in reverse, facing you. "Sundays are fun-days! You enjoy them"

"Well I don't believe in that!" You fake smile.

"Knew it!" He says before putting his glasses back "Nerdy!" he smirks as he turns back to leave before you.

You take a cab to get back home as you declined his offer for ride back home. Cause that would give him another chance to show himself superior.


Thursday rolled down real quick, you had so much work load at office that you almost forgot about Bucky. Now you only have 10 days left. Finding a girl for him wasn't easy but let's be honest, you hadn't even tried once. You had contacted Kate since you knew she was here or must be, although you weren't sure if she'll remember you. It took you by surprise when she did! You both bonded all over again in a one-hour call, you both even decided to meet each other and maybe hang out on Friday evening. She gave you her address and expected you to meet her by 5 pm.

You excitedly said yes but now here you are! Done searching through your clothes for hours and sitting by the bed, empty-handed, regretting your life choices at 1 at night. You were kept awake till 12 because of the assignment of 'how to manage your office and home for new comers', you had to do and submit it the next day.

6.30 in the morning


"Fuck I'm still alive?" You mumble yawning as you hit the alarm stop and stretch yawning

It was a holiday today, but the internship-program-members were to report at 8 and submit their assignment, then they could leave.

You got ready and replied to Bucky's 50 texts and 13 missed calls, he had sent in last 5 days with a 'k' without even bothering to read all that shit he wrote and telling him to meet you down your house at 7.30.

"You couldn't reply or pick up a single call?" Bucky said taking off his helmet, parking his bike in your garage.

"My office, you know the way" You said sitting in the passenger's seat of his Bike.

Nice bike! Hmm he is rich!

"Hey what?" He turned to look at you.

"You don't want a date, ok I'll go" You said as you started getting off.

"No wait of course I want" He said stopping you from getting off.

"I have to reach there by 7.50, hurry!"

"Hold me" Bucky yelled over the roaring engine.

"No!" you shot back.

As he released the break, you were pulled back due to the force, you quickly threw your arms around his waist and clutched him for your dear life. You could practically hear his smirk, and he could see you scoffing and rolling your eyes from the mirror.


"Wait here till I come back" you said as he pulled up in the office parking.

"Hang on, where are you running" Bucky said getting of his bike and holding your wrist to prevent you from moving "You are weird, you want a date in the office and then you ask me to wait here outside, I'm supposed to come with you stupid!"

Be My Date!? (Bucky x Y/n reader)Where stories live. Discover now