8 Days left (II)

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"I'm sorry" you say thinking maybe you should have not questioned him that way, cause anyway you both don't really get along together.

"Did you just apologize to me" Bucky faked his shock as he teased you.

This is the Bucky I know!

"Here we go again" You mumble rolling your eyes.

"Check out the inside it's beautiful!" Bucky said holding the front door open for you.

"Why are you always jumping around here and there" You remark shaking your head. He doesn't seem tired at all, like that 45 minutes ride was nothing, same can't be said for you, you could pass out anytime by how tired you were.

You interjected but Bucky still showed you around the two story, triple bedroom house. You relaxed and as a result fell asleep, lying on the soft mattress of one of the rooms, which Bucky said was his as a kid. It had a huge window which looked over the pond and the tress It had just a single bed, a few other furniture.

You were awakened by the earthquake. You frantically opened your eyes to see Bucky shaking you to wake up.

"Get up sleeping beauty" Bucky said, practically jumping in excitement.

"Get off and get out" you mumble as you were tired of how easily you get scared.

"Oy it's my room" Bucky scoffed making his face like a five-year-old.

You pushed his shoulder saying "I know"

You got up yawning and followed him down stairs to the kitchen. It was absolutely not how it looked an hour ago.

"Omg what have you done! Look at the mess!" You yelp and you look around to see the empty flour packets, two broken pots, the flour covered floor and all sorts of utensils lying here and there.

"Look!" Bucky says with same excitement, his hands wide open, pointing at something he seemed to be working on.

You turn your attention to him and see him covered in flour. You might have missed it as it was dark in his room, and you were sleepy but right now you could see the ghost he had become.

"Look!" You say gesturing at him and burst out laughing.

He looks down at himself and turns a bright shade of red then looks up at you, who was almost on the floor laughing and wiping away the tears. "Don't laugh at me" Bucky says smiling, embarrassed, but happy, looking at your face. He had never in years seen you laugh like that, in fact, he had never seen you laugh at all. You two would always keep fighting or arguing, anything but smiling and laughing.

"What all you keep doing" you say still laughing, left hand on you head, and right one brushing his shirt to get the flour out.

"You see the mess but not my hard work?" Bucky scoffs and looking down at you.

"Yeah I do! And what were you up to exactly?" You say as you start picking up the utensils and placing them back.

"I got everything ready to make a cake, just need your help" Bucky said picking up the empty packets and throwing them away while nodding proudly in the direction of the bowls he sorted.

You agreed to help him and both of you start making the chocolate cake. You gave him the bowl to whisk the cream for frosting as you sat on the kitchen counter waiting for the oven to signal for the ready cake.

"You're my mission!" Bucky grunts aggressively as he whisks the cream faster.

You chuckle, while taking out the cake and say, "Then finish it!"

You both finish making the cake and write 'Winnie (Mom)' on it. You realize that Bucky was not only excited for the cake but also for the lunch he had prepared and had hid it from you. Which you didn't see until you walked out to a table decorated with flowers and food in the backyard. You were shocked to say the least You both say your prayers, cut the cake and enjoy it after the meal. Bucky was a really good cook! Living alone with his grandparents he had taught himself to cook.

 After a bit of chatting about the old days and exchanging some sarcastic comments, you look at your phone and excitedly get up from your chair, "You have a date! As much as I hate to say it, we have to go", you said without processing what you just said.­­­­­­­­ As happy as you were to finally secure your job by bringing him a date, you did not want to leave at all, it was a beautiful place, and it was a calm afternoon. But you couldn't show this, you have no right to be there, and you had no idea why he did all this.

Bucky looked at you for a few seconds without any expression, then looked down and sighed before getting up, "Let's go" he said before smiling again.

For a moment he had completely changed and next moment he was back to being himself again.

It was 3.45, when you both left for the date. The ride back home was quiet. The roads were same, the view was same, everything was same except for the fact you couldn't feel the same comfort or peace anywhere. Not really sure why. You really didn't want to dig into it so you just went with the flow.

You reached the restaurant at 4.40 and found Nat already waiting for you both.

"Hey Sorry, we're late" You said as you spotted her and went down to hug her.

"It's fine you're only 40 minutes late" Nate teased as she hugged you and stood like a statue for a few seconds looking at Bucky.

You looked at her then, following her line of sight, you looked at Bucky who had the same reaction as Nat.

"No you two didn't..." You say looking between them with an open mouth.

"Yea" Bucky said shaking head and Nat continued "Yes we dated"

"Don't tell me! How long?" You asked don't know if you were disappointed and sad or happy and thankful.

But then someone else, I'll have to search for someone.

You three seated down together as they told you that they dated for two weeks and ended on good terms, stating they were good but just not made for each other, although you knew what Bucky's side of the story would be, no promises, no intimacy, no love, no family.

The date turned into a meeting with ex and eating and chatting about Bucky's new girl. Cringe. The only good outcome of the meeting was Dolores.

Nat told you about this girl, Dolores Alexandra Brooke, who worked in HT company and had come to their office for several business meetings. Nat told how they became friends at work and how Dolores had a crush on Bucky for months now. She asked if you wanted to meet her or if Bucky would ask her out, to which you and Bucky agreed on discussing alone together.

When you reached home you agreed that it was late and you were both tired so you both decided to discuss all this later tomorrow at Steve's, on Christmas eve.

Be My Date!? (Bucky x Y/n reader)Where stories live. Discover now