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"Bye then Stevie, talk to ya later" you say hanging up the phone and going off to bed.

Y/n was a baby when her parents moved to Brooklyn. Her mom-dad's best friends, Joe Rogers and wife Annie Rogers moved next to them a couple of years later, with their son, Steve Rogers who was about the same age as Y/n. Y/n didn't have a long list of people to call "friends", except Steve.

Steve and Y/n had a lot in common and became friends at the age mere of 2. They were sent to same school. They always used to be together in recess. Sometimes a couple of friends of Steve would join them, but Y/n had no one. Y/n finally made a friend, Kate, in 2nd grade. They became really close and it was as if Y/n finally had a real friend besides Steve, but life seemed to not like this scheme.

Kate moved to New York with her parents in 4th grade. The two exchanged their numbers but their talking became rare as time passed.

Again, all Y/n was left with was Steve. Although, they were enough for each other, and their bond was ever strong. They didn't think anyone could be as close to them as themselves, until...

In 5th grade, their class welcomed a new boy, James Buchanan Barnes. He was sat with Y/n and Steve by their teacher.

"I'm Steve and this is Y/n" little Steve said as the new kid seated himself.

"I'm James, you can call me Bucky"

Bucky seemed be friend with the entire school by the end of his 1st week in school.

As time passed by. The duo became "trio". The three would always be together. Steve and Bucky became quick-besties and started getting along a little too well, which wasn't really welcomed by Y/n. I mean Bucky shared rather stole her best friend! Who wouldn't be mad?

She was jealous of Bucky for stealing his only friend especially when he had so many friends, but she only had one. Hence, she never really liked Bucky and even he seemed to notice this and started teasing and mocking and joking with her. Lord he was so irritating. Steve, although, loved both his friends equally.

As much as she would hate to admit, with time Bucky began to change into one of those handsome boys, girls would love to be around. Steve too was proceeding in this direction, but he was not a flirt like Bucky had become or was from the very beginning. Bucky's careless and carefree approach to life was something so opposite to you and you thought he was not a good company to Steve.

As seasons changed so did Bucky's girlfriends. In high school, he became a party freak, a boy every girl would dream to be with. Oh those looks couldn't get any better, could they? Y/n was happy that he didn't spend a lot of time with her. Which only became less and scarce when they were in their senior year. You would never spend time with him anyways as he would never stop making sarcastic comments or jokes. You just couldn't stand him, his stupid attitude, his surprise hits or nudges, his ugly grin, or that smirk he had when he made any smart comment about you- direct or indirect.

When you all completed your schooling and went to college to two different cities, you were both totally separated, the only link joining you was Steve. You would occasionally see him on group calls on occasions like b'days or Christmas or Halloween but other than that, nothing. This almost came to an end after a couple of years. You constantly talked to Steve tho. And he'd tell you literally everything, you never felt like you were far away from each other. After 5 years, you seemed to forget anyone and everyone except Steve.

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