
997 39 26

Present day


Steve slowly walked towards the door yawning. Who could come at 7 O'clock in the morning on a Saturday?

When he opened the door, he almost had a panic attack when the person on the door practically jumped upon him. Holding him in a tight hug.

"Doritooo surprise!"

"Woah waoh omg you're in New York. and you didn't feel the need to inform me?"

"I just landed here today anddd telling you would ruin the surprise!"

"Love to see you Y/n"

Steve ushered you inside before quickly grabbing your bags. Smiling non-stop.

"Like what you did with the walls here! How are you? Did you miss me? How's mom dad? You like it here?"

"Anything else madam?"

"Yeah! A glass of water and something to eat. I'm starving"

"I got ya!" Steve chuckled.

He showed you the guest room. After a while you were both siting, eating and chatting together, just like old times.

After relaxing a bit, you talked about your internship and that you are going to be living here in NYC for the next few months. You told him, you've already got a place to live in and that your stuffs would be reaching there shortly, even tho Steve wasn't happy. Steve said that he would have liked it better if you would share his apartment with him, instead to wasting your money to find one and living there. Although both of you knew the real reason was that you had missed each other so bad that you wanted to be together for as long as you were here. But you did not want to be a burden.


"So where are you working again?" Steve asked opening the box labelled 'Photo frames and decoratives'

"Place them here, yeah, it's called "J & B", and I'm in the IT department." You answered, picking up the items one by one and setting them in you new room.

"Woah! Must be difficult work?"
"I don't know it's my 1st job" You chuckled, you were both excited and nervous. Now finally you were going to be on your own. The captain of your ship! Being an adult seems easy, You are free and earning, what could go wrong!?


"Seriously I don't wanna go! I was good reading, in my house besides who better than you knows about my anxiety!" You complain.

It's been two months since you moved here, you have to join office from Monday but its two days later.

"Come on Y/n, one thing I've learned in life is that- you are never really ready for anything so just breathe and do it, you'll be just fine." Steve told pulling you out of the car.

"Wow Stieve, Sharon is teaching you well!" You teased.

Steve had told you about this pretty girl in his office that he liked.

You unwillingly got up and got dressed. Then Steve took you to his 'surprise destination' in his car.

"Come on! There's surprise for you" Steve said his face giving competition to the reddest tomato on this planet.

"I hate surprises when they come from you!" you said following him into the bar.

"You love them!" Steve smiled, checked in a particular direction and after what you could say 'execution time' grin and pulled by your hand to that direction.


"Hey!" Steve says, reaching a table which seemed he had booked.

"Hey!" came the reply.

You both are ushered to the empty chairs.

Good looking, blonde, average height, greeting Steve, this must be Sharon. But that....

"Y/n this is Sharon and Sharon that's Y/n, my best-friend"

"Hey Y/n, good to see you"

Your train of thoughts stop when you realize it's your turn to speak.

"Hey, good to see you too."

That is Sharon, fine but does she have a bodyguard, who's that?

Sharon must have noticed the confused and curious look on your and the confusion on Steve's face as she broke the silence. Both looking at the empty chair next to her and the brown leather jacket hanging on it.

"Oh sorry, Steve, Y/n meet Sam, my boyfriend" She smiled at the man who approached from behind then looked at Steve and said, "You know him"

What! Boyfriend...That look on Steve's face was clear enough for his best-friend see how shattered his heart was right now. Sam was in his department, and they were good friends but he had no idea about this dating stuff.

"Hey" Sam comes towards the chair across of you two and shakes hands and hugs Steve before taking his seat next to the blonde back.

"Hi" you both shot quick reply to the man.

After chatting for some time and you occasionally giving Steve the 'happens-it's-gonna-be-alright' look, which he seems to implement, you finally raise to go to washroom. Sharon decides to join you. Honestly talking to two strangers and in a bar and for more than 15 minutes is so scary and exhausting. You'd only had nightmares of trying to socialize. You need a break; washroom seems a quick and easy way get away from the crowd.

While on your way back, you pick up your pace.

"Steve!" you whisper, only if it were successful, both Sam and, Sharon, who was struggling to follow you from behind, must have heard it. At least what their knitted eyebrows said.

"You okay?" You were almost running; Steve surely must have noticed.

"Yeah! I just want you to confirm...look is that..." You point toward the other side of the room.

"Bucky?" Steve was shocked and surprised.

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