Chapter 53

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≡Katsuki POV≡
◃Kamino Nomu Lab▸

"I think I hear people, but they must be in a basement and pretty far away. I think I can see a door that must lead to the stairs on the left," Octopus explained as he looked through a window we were under.

We had managed to get between this building where the signal is coming from and another.

"Do you see any Nomu?" Half n' Half asked.

"I don't have the best vision in the dark. I can tell there's pillars and boxes or something inside, but that's all."

"I got these from Yaoyorozu," Eyebags pulled a pair of goggles out of his pocket and offered them to Pikachu. "Climb up on my shoulders and see if you can see anything."

With a little hesitation and blush, the dunce climbed and looked through the window, just to almost fall off.

"What the hell? Be careful!" I hissed as I caught him and pushed him back up.

"What do you see?" Tokoyami looked up at the frightened blond.

"That's... a lot of Nomu. There's gotta be at least 50. Those pillars are actually test tubes and the boxes are some sort of tank for them."

"Holy shit, good thing we waited for the pros," Hitoshi blew out a breath.

"Speaking of which, it's almost 11:30, the attack will start any second," IcyHot reminded us as he checked the time. "... When I say almost I mean like right no-"

"DUCK!" Tokoyami called as we saw a large truck get lifted up.

"Huh, I thought you were more of a crow or-"

"YOU DUMBASS!" Shinso quickly pulled Kaminari down as we prepared for the pro hero's attack.

"THEY'RE GOING TO STOMP ON IT WITH A TRUCK?!" I yelled as I caught a glimpse of Mt. Lady raising her leg and then smashing it down.

The force from the impact sent dust and debris as we all covered our faces.

"Whoa," Kaminari breathed as he looked back over the now broken wall.

We all looked over and saw Best Jeanist, Tiger, Gang Orca and Mt. Lady all easily taking out the Nomu in a flash.

"We have control. The Nomu are neutralized," I knew Best Jeanist was strong after my internship, but the way he took so many out so fast was badass.

We listened to Mt. Lady complained about how easy it was to incapacitate the Nomus.

"What do we do now? Should we come out and tell them about how there might be a basement an-" as Hitoshi tried to figure out what we should do, an echo of footsteps came.

"I'm sorry Tiger, but Ragdoll's quirk was so useful, I just had to take it. How can I not?"

"Are you with the league?" Gang Orca asked the new voice.

"Somebody get us a light!" Tiger ordered.

"Since my body was mostly destroyed, I haven't been able to stock up on quirks."

"What the hell..." I tried to peek around the side of the wall to see the confrontation.

"Stop there! Don't move!" The pros are starting to panic, this can't be good.

Slowly, emerging from the shadows, I watched as a man in a suit became visible from the feet up.

Best Jeanist quickly used his quirk to restrain the newcomer.

"Hey! You can't attack like that! What if he's just a bystander?" Mt. Lady leaned down in her giant form as she watched Best Jeanist hold the restraints.

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