Chapter 47

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≡3rd Person POV≡
◃Outside Izuku's Apartment▸
"What's wrong?" Momo asked as the 4 came back into the van in a hurry.

"They took his mom," Hitoshi quickly caught them up as they started driving again.

"THEY DID WHAT?!" Shoto screamed, shocking the majority of the others.

"How could they come and take his mother too?" Momo put her hand over her mouth as she held back her tears.

"This is just getting more and more twisted," Tokoyami mumbled from the backseat.

"We can complain later, for now we need to get that receiver to more pros so that we can get that rescue happening as soon as possible," Aizawa instructed as he exceeded the speed limit.

≡Izuku POV≡
◃LoV Base▸
I opened my eyes slowly as I woke up. My memory of what had happened felt like a dream, but my proof that it was real was the throbbing pain from my injuries and the new room I was in.

I wonder why that Dabi guy helped me. He seemed fine with it at first, but seemed to get pretty pissed at camp. Maybe he helped me because he doesn't like him.

Yeah, just some villain quarrel that I'm caught in the middle of. It's fine though, if he's getting back by helping me, I'll gladly accept it.

I realized there were no restraints on me so I went to reach for my pants pocket to get one of my inventions.

As soon as I moved, my body felt like it was a sky full of lightning and I yelped from the pain.

I immediately regretted making any noise.

The door to my room opened and Compress walked in.

"Awake already?" he walked over to me and crouched down. "You were out for only a few hours, we were expecting at least half a day."

I stared at him through my half lidded eyes as he stared back.

"Not much of a talker? That's fine, I can fill the silence myself. You know, I used to be an entertainer, I suppose talking is just second nature to me."

He continued to talk as he sat down on the ground leaning against the wall.

"Enough about me though, what about you? I know you're Hisashi's kid, that must've been something. You're quirkless, you're good at inventing, you're in the UA hero course, class 1A to be exact. That's all I really know, so tell me something."

I layed on the bed, still not moving. Why was he talking to me as if he didn't kidnap me a few hours ago and I wasn't here, unable to move?

I took a slow breath as I decided it was ok to talk.

"U-uhm, I like coffee?" I winced at the sound of my hoarse voice, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Coffee? Aren't you pretty young to be drinking coffee?" He chuckled slightly as he took off his black and white mask, revealing a warm smile.

"I usually only sleep 2 hours a night, so I sorta need it," I explained as I stared at his face.

"That explains why you barely slept after yesterday. Shouldn't you get more sleep?"

I attempted to shrug but winced as my shoulder protested.

"I make a lot of coffee. Everyone tells me it's too strong, but Shota likes it too," I tried to smile as I remembered my promise to give him free coffee.

We talked for about an hour longer. He did the majority of talking with me answering the off random question, like what's my favourite colour or food. By the time the hour was up, I felt a little happier and for a few moments forgot about my situation.

"Not to dampen the mood, but I have a bit more of a serious question," I looked into his eyes as he gave me a small frown. "When we're in front of the others, I must refer to you as Midoriya, what would you like me to call you when we're alone?"

I was pretty shocked by the question. I don't really understand why he's even talking to me in the first place. Now he makes it sound like it'll be a regular thing.

Nevertheless, I gave him a small smile as I replied, "Izuku is fine."

He gave me a comforting grin that turned into a mournful look as he glanced at his watch.

"I'm truly sorry Izuku, it seems our time is up. Don't worry, we'll talk again soon and I'll bring some bandages," that's not a good sign.

He slowly pulled me onto his back, mindful of my injuries. We walked to the door and he opened it, letting in more light, making me close my eyes. We went up a set of stairs until we were back in the bar area from yesterday.

"Put him in front of the monitor, Compress," Kurogiri pointed over to a TV and chair set up near him.

We walked over and he gently set me down. When my back touched the backrest of the hard chair, a stinging pain shot through it and throbbed harder as I leaned against it.

The TV turned on to show a faceless man connected to tubes. He was wearing what looked like an oxygen mask and was in a dark room.

"Ah, Midoriya! Glad to see you already here. I'm All For One," his voice was light, but you could just tell by the way he presented himself that he was powerful.

"He doesn't speak much," Compress informed when I merely stared at the TV.

"That's alright, I'm sure he'll warm up eventually. Besides, he won't need to talk much." I couldn't help but feel like that was a threat.

"Midoriya, Kurogiri informed me that at the USJ, you were able to take down my Nomu as well as Tomura. He explained that you used some sort of gadgets he heard you say you made, is this correct?" I narrowed my eyes slightly, what is he getting at?

"You really aren't a talker," he laughed slightly as he continued. "I have an offer that I'm sure you'll find rather interesting. How would you like to work exclusively for the League as our inventor?"

Wait, what?

They kidnapped me to get me to make things for them? I suppose I already did, but they don't know that was me, do they? I mean, I did rig them, so maybe they found me out.

My suspicions were confirmed with his next words.

"I know you must be wondering why we want you. Other than the potential you showed at the USJ, we also found out that you are, infact, Goldberg. Quite an accomplishment. You must've only been around 11 when you started. I've seen your work and we even got some off you. However, it seems you didn't trust us and messed with them. After we make this deal, we'll make sure that doesn't happen anymore."


"I don't mean to pressure you, but it'd be within your best interest to make your choice quickly-"


I was rather proud of the steadiness in my voice as I answered him.

"No?" He confirmed.

"I won't do it."

"Mayhaps you should reconsider," Compress said with a nervous laugh as he looked at me.

"No, there's nothing you can do to change my mind. I don't care what you do, I won't do it."


"Compress, it's fine. He seems to have made up his mind. Although, I'm sure a little convincing can help. Hisashi can help."

As soon as he was named, he walked into the room with a smirk on his face.

Hisashi bee-lined straight to me and slapped my face, making me fall off the chair onto the ground.

"You have 5 minutes," All For One said before turning off his camera and mic.

"That's all I need."

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