Chapter 7

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≡Izuku POV≡

◃First Day of School▸

"Bye Mom!" I waved from the doorway of my mom's room as I shoved a banana into my mouth.

"Oh Zuzu! I'm so proud of you! Have a great first day!" She beamed at me as I left the house and saw Kacchan waiting for me.

"Took you long enough, nerd," Kacchan scoffed with his signature smirk.

"You call me a nerd even when you got 92% on your exam and go to bed at 8:30 every day."

"Again with the sleep schedule?! And you got 100% on your exams, so yes, you are a nerd!"

"You have reading glasses."

"Shut up!"

We kept teasing each other as we boarded the train and got quite a few stares. When we finally got to UA, it was just as breathtaking as the first time.

I glanced around the flood of students until my eyes landed on purple hair off to the side. I grabbed Kacchan's wrist and brought him over.

"Toshi!" I called, watching as the insomniac went from uncomfortable and nervous, to relaxed and grateful.

"Oh, hey Izuku, who's this?" He asked, pointing to the confused Bakugo.

"Oh, this is Kacch- I mean, Katsuki Bakugo. He's the friend I was waiting for at the exams. How did you do by the way?" I asked as Kacchan went 'tch' trying to act like he didn't care even though I could tell he was curious about my friend.

"Well, since you can't really brainwash robots, I failed the hero course exams, but I got into General Studies," he looked upset and I could tell he was beating himself up for it.

"That's great!" Kacchan and Toshi both gave me very confused looks, clearly not understanding what I meant. "I mean- uh- I guess it's not good you didn't get in, but now we can both show off at the sports festival!"

"Oh, I guess that is pretty good," Kacchan said, understanding what I mean.

"Huh? What about the sports festival?" Shinso scrunched his eyebrows up, still not understanding.

"If you do well at the sports festival, you can get transferred to the hero course. I went into the support course to sharpen my skills and so that I can use my inventions at the sports festival and totally kick ass and show off my great skills and then get transferred into the hero course. This way I'll also get recognized by hero agencies," I looked at Hitoshi's face to see the gears in his head trying to spin and take in the information I just rambled out.

"Izu, you were muttering again, the poor guy couldn't keep up with you," Kacchan sighed as he ran a hand down his face and turned to Toshi. "Basically, he went into the support course so he can use his inventions at the sports festival and then get transferred."

"Oh," was all Toshi had to say.

"Well, anyway, let's all get going or else we're going to be late for our first day! My mom would totally flip out on me..." I turned and we started walking into the building. We continued walking together until we had to split ways.

I stopped in front of my classroom door.

Well, time to start my first day at UA!
"Izu? Are you almost done?" I heard Kacchan's voice from the doorway as I kept working on my project. Hearing him, I whipped around with a giddy grin on my face.

"KACCHAN!! LOOK!! I CAN USE ALL THESE MATERIALS FOR FREE! AND LOOK AT ALL THE HIGH END SHIT THEY HAVE!!" I yelled as I held up a sphere the size of a golf ball.

"Calm down Izu. What the hell is that?" As soon as he asked, another voice joined the conversation.

"It's our baby!" Mei came out from around the corner with a bunch of scrap pieces of metal.

Throughout the day, me and Mei had bonded over our shared passion for inventing gadgets and had been bouncing ideas off of each other all day.

"B-baby? What the fuck? Who the hell are you?" Kacchan asked, looking extremely confused.

"I told you that if you keep calling inventions 'babies' you're going to confuse people and some dumbass will think we actually fucked," I sighed as Mei just giggled and Kacchan continued to look between the 2 of us.

"I'm Mei Hatsume! Nice to meet you! You're Kacchan right? Hero in training?" Mei placed the metal down and started walking over to Kacchan.

"My name's Katsuki Bakugo, only Izu can call me that. How the hell did you know I was a he- WHAT THE HELL?!" Kacchan's face grew flustered as Mei started touching him all over.

"Izuku told me about you. Hmm... Very muscley as expected," she observed.

"Get the hell off me you crazy bitch!" He yelled as he continued to fail to get her off. "JEEZ LADY! Get off, I'm gay!"

I fell to the ground laughing as Kacchan tried to get her off by playing the gay card.

"STOP LAUGHING DUMBASS!" Kacchan yelled as he kept pushing Mei away.

"I-i-i'm s-sor-ry!" I got out between wheezing breaths as I clutched my stomach.

"What did I just walk into?" a tired voice inquired as the tired body that it belonged to walked in.

"Oh? You must be Toshi! You want to be a hero too, right?" Mei asked, letting Kacchan go in favor of studying her new victim.

"Uhmm.. my name's Hitoshi Shinso?" Shinso corrected, confused.

"Whatever you do, don't answer her question," Kacchan warned as he walked over to stand over my recovering body with a glare, "and stop laughing Izu!"

"Why? I do plan on getting into the hero course to become a hero so why shouldn't I tell he-" Toshi's sentence suddenly stopped as Mei began feeling him out as well and he went as rigid as a board.

"Hmm... if you plan on being a hero, you're probably going to have to bulk up a bit more. Can't rely on your quirk forever. Of course, I can make plenty of babies to help you!" Mei suggested as I began rolling around from seeing Hitoshi completely freeze up.

"Mei, you are officially in my top 5 favourite people," I said, wiping tears off my face.

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