Chapter 34

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≡3rd Person POV≡

"What's taking them so long?" Kirishima asked as the class waited at the food court.

"We'll go look for them," Shinso suggested as he started dragging Kaminari away.

"Maybe Katsuki is spoiling him," Denki chuckled.

"I don't know, I got a bad feel-" they both froze as they walked past one of the hallways to the exit and heard Bakugo's voice.

"Izu! Hey, it's ok. They're gone, it's fine. I'm so sorry I used my quirk. Just breathe. It's ok, I'm here, he's not."

"Katsuki...?" Kaminari hesitantly asked. The ash blond whipped his head around to reveal tears streaming down.

"Shit man, what happened?" Hitoshi asked as he walked over.

Bakugo shifted slightly to reveal the curled up Izuku. He was clearly having a panic attack. His lips were moving without any sound coming out, gripping his hair, rocking back and forth, and staring at nothing with tears streaming down from his unfocused, unblinking eyes.

"That bastard from the USJ came and was trying to pull him into a portal when I left for the bathroom. I-I had to use my quirk. That guy got his neck too," more tears streamed down the usually angry boy's face as he looked down at his best friend.

The two boys glanced at his neck only to look away. There was a bloody handprint wrapped around his neck with the skin flaking off the edges.

"I'll call my dad and get him to get Recovery Girl," Hitoshi said as he walked a bit away and started phoning.

"Is he responding at all?" Denki asked as he crouched down.

"No, it's been almost 5 minutes. Usually it'd be done by now if it was just my quirk. I-I don't know what to do!" Katsuki began to sob more as he stared down at his shivering friend.

"My dad's on his way, he said he was nearby," Shinso said as he grabbed a shirt from his shopping bag and wrapped it around Izuku's neck in hopes to stop, or at least slow the bleeding.

"W-why?" They all stop when they hear the barely audible whisper from the short greenette.

"Izu? Can you hear me?" Katsuki desperately asks.

Izuku slowly moved his head down but immediately closed his eyes and winced in pain.

"Don't try to move your head man, your neck got it pretty bad," Kaminari said softly as he watched his friend.

"Don't worry, help is on the way, just breathe ok?" Shinso joins the 3 on the ground as he tries to comfort his friend.

"H-he said he is wai-ting," their eyes went wide as they realized what he had croaked out.

"He? As in.." Denki trailed off as he saw Shinso nod.

"Problem child?!" Shota called as he burst in through the exit they were by. Izuku flinched from the loud noise and Shota came running over.

"He's responding now and can talk a bit, but he's still shaking," Shinso updated his father as he lifted him up.

"I'm going to take him to Recovery Girl, you guys can come. My car is just outside with Hizashi-" Shota was interrupted by a quiet, strangled sob from the boy in my arms as he started pulling at his hair.

"Shit! Don't say that name in front of him! That's his name!" Katsuki growled at the confused Aizawa.

"Fuck, is that why at the cafe..?" Denki asked. He received a nod from Bakugo as they all began running out to the car.

≡Izuku POV≡

I woke up in a comfortable bed surrounded by white walls and a bright light.

I had to blink several times to get my eyes to adjust. I sat up to look around but stopped myself when a searing pain shot through my neck.

I let out a small yelp which caused something to shift beside me.

"Izu? You awake?" A groggy voice asked from beside me.

"Yeah," I whispered. "How long was I out for?"

"About 5 hours. I'm pretty sure that's the longest you've slept in years." I could practically hear the smile on his face.

"Uhm, Kacchan? I, uh, can't seem to move my neck..."

"That's what happens when you have no energy and get a handprint disintegrated on your neck," he scoffed. I frowned slightly as I remembered how Recovery Girl couldn't heal me.

"Do you think she'll be able to heal me now that I got all of that sleep?" I asked as I continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Worth a shot. She said to call her when you wake up. I'll be right back," he walked out of the room but came back within a minute.

"Hello dear. How was your nap?" Recovery Girl smiled at me as she stood on a stool above me so I could see her.

"Uhm, good?"

"I'd hate to keep you longer than you need to, so let's see what I can do."

"Problem child, how are you?" Shota asked from where I assume the door is.

"Shota! I said no visitors! I don't want him talking too much!" She lectured, but still I saw a tired face come into my view.

"Oh hey," I say and watch him roll his eyes.

"It looks like I'll be able to completely heal you, you'll probably be tired tonight so don't fight sleep. I recommend going to sleep early tonight so you don't miss the bus for camp tomorrow."

"What time is early?" I asked her. She narrows her eyes at me.

"I'd recommend going home, eating, and then immediately sleeping."

"Isn't it only 6 though?"

"Yes, you should be sleeping by 8."

"Ha! Now who has an early bedtime!" Kacchan teased.

"Yeah, it's not like you're still going to sleep at 8:30 even without any injury like you do every night," I roll my eyes from his voice's direction.


"Well, that was weird," I say as I feel my neck start to tingle and all my energy leave me like I hadn't slept in 3 days.

"One of you should take him home, I don't trust him to stay awake the whole time," Recovery Girl instructed as I yawned.

"I'll do it," they both said simultaneously.

"No offense Shota, but I don't like the idea of you trying to get answers out of me while I'm half asleep," I said through another yawn as my bandages were removed.


"What? Don't just say "oh" like that," I said after seeing Recovery Girl's shocked expression.

"Seems I made a mistake. Sorry dear, looks like it left a scar," she frowned as she looked down at me.

I cringed slightly, "Please tell me it isn't a hand print and is just some splotches?"

"Yeah, it's a handprint," Kacchan deadpanned as he looked at me sitting up.

I groaned as I felt around my neck, feeling the new scar tissue.

"Well, this'll be a pain to explain," I sighed as I got off the bed and stretched, feeling my back pop.

"I really do think I should drive you home. I don't want to make Bakugo carry you for 45 minutes," Shota insisted.

"Fine, fine," I sighed, which turned into a yawn. "I hate being tired."

"You sleep for 2 hours a day, don't tell me this is the first time you're tired," Kacchan rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah, I still sleep. I feel like I haven't slept in 3 days."

"I don't want to know why you know what that's like," Aizawa sighed as we walked to his car.

We drove with light conversation until I fell asleep in the back seat.

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