Chapter 50

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≡Shota POV≡
◃At Home▸

"You're all still here? I told you that I'll tell you everything as soon as I find out whether you're here or at your own homes and with your own families," I sighed as I stood in the doorway of Hitoshi's room, covering up my smile as I watched them flinch.

"Shota! Don't scare us like that! How are you able to be so quiet?" Kaminari cried as he stood off the floor and back onto the bed he was on.

It's been almost 4 days since Izuku was taken. The Hero Commision are being asses and refusing to do a raid on the bar I know they're in, in favor of waiting for more information.

The four boys have been glued together the whole time. They have taken it upon themselves to claim my house as their cave.

I can't blame them since I'm the one who will have the information when we get it.

"I'm an underground hero, of course I know how to be quiet," I roll my eyes and glance at the empty office chair that no one has dared to touch.

"Any news?" Todoroki asks with his usual nonchalant voice. Although, as someone who uses the same tone, I can tell you that there is both hope, dread, and worry mixed in.


"Those asses," Bakugo voices my own thought as he glances at me and then back to staring out the opened window he was sitting in.

He's been doing that constantly. He is always looking out the windows and I'm not sure why. I do know that he is taking this the hardest. He's good at hiding it, but he has added eyebags under his bloodshot, slightly puffy, eyes.

"Why don't we just go on our own? We know the location! So why don't we just go?!" I'd have to say that Kaminari is taking this almost as hard as Bakugo. His emotions have been all over the place. One minute he seems normal, the next he's clinging to Hitoshi, the next he's screaming, and then crying, and then staring off, and then overly happy.

"At this rate, I think we need to. It's been over half a week. Who knows if he's even eaten..." I feel my heart sink as I watch my son's eyes brim with tears.

I take it back. All of these boys are taking this absolutely horribly.

"I had spoken to my father earlier when you were out. He said he didn't even know Izuku was missing," I look at Shoto with widened eyes.

I knew they were keeping it secret from the press, but shouldn't they have started forming a party? The number two hero is basically guaranteed to be in that party. So why doesn't he even know about the situation?

"We should just go. We were originally planning on going ourselves. Tokoyami and Shoji had both said they would come with or without pros. So what's holding us back? We can tell them you had no idea we were going so you won't get in trouble," still not looking away from the window, Bakugo doesn't even use his nicknames.

"I can't let you go. For all you know the whole League could be there. Izuku isn't even guaranteed to be there. It's too dangerou-"

"So you're saying you're agreeing with the Commision?" Shoto glares at me with a scowl smeared across his face.

"We don't need your permission to go," Bakugo mumbles, almost like he didn't want me to hear.

"If you think it's so dangerous for us to go, why don't you think about the fact that Izuku has been there this whole time while we just sit around waiting for a fucking go ahead?!" Kaminari's voice gradually grows volume and he begins to walk towards me, only to be pulled back by Hitoshi.

"You all know I want him back too. I'm doing all I can."

"It's not enough," Katsuki finally looks away from the window fully as he stares at me with a face void of emotions.

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