15 | raindrops ricochet off pavements like bullets

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║raindrops ricochet off pavements like bullets━━━ (CHAPTER FIFTEEN)

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║raindrops ricochet off pavements like bullets

"YOU MUST UNDERSTAND one thing, Mirela." His voice was gravelly and rough at all the edges, stern to the core and demanding her to listen very closely. "Us Nobles are always at the top. Always. Whilst the unsightly peasants are at our feet, below us. Always."

"Why?" Innocence glistened in her glowing eyes, expecting a reasonable answer from her father.

"Because we have so much more power than them." A sickly smile full of pride pinned the corner of his lips from cheek to cheek. "Our bloods are like ichor and their bloods are tainted with the dirtiest of dirts. Never be fooled by a peasant, Mirela. They can never climb to our level. They only wish they could." And then he let out a roar of laughter in which Mirela did not reciprocate as she did not find his statement remotely hilarious.

'Perhaps that's false,' she thought, 'I wonder if peasants have golden hearts instead of dirty blood.'

For the past five years, Mirela learnt a very important thing

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For the past five years, Mirela learnt a very important thing.

One, nobles always taught their children nothing true about peasants. It was always, always the same phrase. Nobles are superior- peasants have dirty blood. Talk about those of higher status having a complex. Then they eagerly bathe in wealth and power and magic, assuming those were the only significance to living. Their brains shut down any openness toward peasants even though underneath the ample riches and torn rags were people. Just people. How ironic that humans were the only species to treat each other so unfairly. At the end of the day, people only save themselves and they'd choose to hug gold than lend a hand to a stranger.

Perhaps the humans are pollutants of the world—never had Mother Nature witnessed such a toxic behavior—and they're turning the grass grey.

It was a conundrum of why nobles acted this way. One could argue that they were just following in history's footsteps. Old, ancient history who was faulty at the seams and crumbling at the cheeks; the number one witness to humanity's endless mistakes and repetition of mistakes. You would think at least someone would learn by now the (apparently) hard-bitten truth. Alas, not all nobles were the same. Shame most of them were too consumed in ego and vanity, drunk on hedonistic auras and refusing to fall into sobriety.

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