03 | relighting a promise

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║relighting a promise━━━ (CHAPTER THREE)

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║relighting a promise

ANEMONE AND YUNO LIFTED THEIR HEADS to the source of sound and spotted a scraggy man with spindly arms and legs. His eyes were slanted and bloodshot, a bubbling scar on the side of his face running down his left eye as he donned a velveteen robe. A creepy half-suppressed laugh escaped his vocal cords and the florist's daughter made a face upon hearing it. "What do we have here? The Golden Boy hanging out with his girlfriend, eh?"

"Who are you?" Yuno proceeded to query, ignoring the villain's assumption.

The sinister enemy merely chuckled and promptly trapped the teenagers, after feeling a mini waterfall crash atop his head, rendering his entire being soaked. Instantly, the ghostly grin on his face was wiped off and it resulted in a satisfying smile appearing on Anemone's face, having been the one who attacked him before he wrapped them tightly with his seemingly powerful Chain Magic. Yuno's eyes dilated with the slightest surprise, having not expected for her quick reflex to attack him with her signature waterfall move typically used on Asta to mess around with him (thus also taking the latter into consideration, the boy with the lucky grimoire thought it hardly did much damage and frowns).

"Tch..." he lowly scoffed, a grimace of wry amusement marking his facial expression. He pushed away his saturated, dripping wet locks of hair aside his face so he could get a better look of his victims and plastered another sickening smile. "That was rather quick. How did you know I was going to attack, girlie?"

"Would you believe me if I said that it's normal for me to plant waterfalls on hideous men like you?" Anemone retained a tight smile to poke his nerves, remaining tranquil in the situation she and Yuno were in.

"You wound me as soon as you said hideous." He hissed, subconsciously using his drenched hair to hide the scar on the side of his face. "And no, I wouldn't believe you with a pretty face like yours but after that unnecessary comment, I suppose I do." Then he caught Yuno struggling against his magic and grinned. "It's futile. My Creation Magic: Binding Iron Chain restricts the magic and movements of the one it captures."

"Answer me this time," Yuno seethed, "Who are you?"

"Until recently, I was a pretty well-known Magic Knight called Revchi of Chain Magic." As he introduced himself, iron chains surrounded him in an oscillating motion and his expression contorted to an unsightly, twisted one. "But I got kicked out, so now I'm just a wretched thief. Now that I'm at it, I will be taking that grimoire now." Without hesitation, a chain broke through the ground and grabbed the grimoire that Yuno dropped, carrying it over to the ex-Magic Knight's side. He left Anemone's grimoire on the ground beside her, assuming it was ordinary and would hold zero value with buyers.

"Revchi, was it? It's pointless for you to steal that." Yuno pointed out calmly. "The only one—"

"The only one who can use a grimoire is the one it chose." He finished off for him. "However, underground collectors are buying grimoires with four-leaf clovers for insane prices. The four-leaf clover might have chosen you, boy, but you've only just received it. You're just a little chick."

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