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"love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well."

Vincent Van Gogh // love many things


part two:
love many things


you reminded me of me before I was a corrupted soul. your heart is rose gold, your lungs flourishing with blue irises and your ribcage gilded. sadly, they have been overgrown by moss fed to you by your mother — your heart has become soot black, the blue irises have wilted and your ribcage turned to rust. I can only hope you will bloom again.


07. parting paths to destiny
08. thorns of a red rose
09. petals, hold me delicately!
10. dear pretty ms. doll face
11. end of eternal winter
12. home sweet home
13. grovel on gravel, eat the dirt
14. silver princess and ocean goddess
15. raindrops ricochet off pavements like bullets
16. commence dungeon disaster
17. neptune shall devour mars, watch!
18. states of matter
19. swiss cheese (inedible)
20. to do a great right do a little wrong
21. chaos unveils under black blankets
22. jealousy jealousy
23. how to make the dream team 101
24. cordelia
25. running stars, surviving planets
26. fraud to humanity
27. roasted ham meets rotisserie chicken

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