Antonio's Room!

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The front cleared up vastly than I thought, people trying to get inside the new addition to the Casita. There were people who decided to stay outside, dancing with friends and family. Some come and go inside of Antonio's new room.

So, hand in hand with my bestie, Doll, we went and took a look of her brother's magnificent room.

It was bigger in the inside actually. It was enormous! It looked like a jungle, with a big tree in the middle of leaves. There were animals of all kinds, and a jaguar! Antonio has a jaguar, I want a jaguar! Jaguars are big cats, and I love cats. I love all animals, so I'm pretty jealous. Dejwk.

But really, it was wonderful. It's like a big play pen with animals, which a lot of children would be happy to absolutely live in. My heart that's still stuck in its childhood also.

Me and Dolores approached the young Madrigal with proud smiles, crouching to his side. "This place is amazing, hermanito." "We're all proud of you Antonio." I couldn't help but squish his precious face.

A few familiar voices came near us, approaching Antonio as well. It was Pepa and Félix, the two's Mami and Papi. I made way for them, bowing slightly to show some respect. They both smushed their son and gave both of their children a big hug. The sweetest sight I've ever seen.

"Dolores! Hermana- Mi hermosa hermana." Camilo came butting in, tugging on his sisters arm. "Camilo-" "Sorry mami, but Dolores, do you perhaps know where [Y/n] is?" He said in a hurried tone, but god, that stupid smile could never leave his face.

His parents only stood and stared at their son, picking up his stranger behavior. They chuckled to themselves, for some reason . "Yes, yes she does." I said. I was literally to his right, what am I a ninja? Hah, ninja.

He finally looked to his side, to see me. He was surprised but regained his posture, if he ever did have one. "Hey, yo, you dissapeared. Earlier." He was fumbling with his fingers again. "Oh, I was with Doll. The crowd was loud so I can't have her ears bleeding on me."

"Thats sweet-" His Mami Pepa interrupts him, taking my hands with a bright smile. "So, miss [Y/n]. Right?" This is getting weird, but I nodded as an answer.

"Shes a beauty, mijo." "Papí.."

"You're very beautiful, we thank you for accepting our invitation to our son's ceremony." Her bright smile soon melted into a warm one, her lips pierced together. She had this motherful look I've never seen before. Her eyes gave off a kind aura.

"Very beautiful indeed." "Thank you mr. and mrs. Madrigal." I couldn't help but smile back at Pepa, "You're so pretty that I understand why my brother likes you, miss!" Awe, little Antonio thinks I'm pretty. His brother likes me?

"Ha?-" "He said you're pretty! Yup, thats it haha." Camilo was quick to cover Antonio's mouth before he could say anything else. He was sweating, I can see it. He even had this nervous smile. He likes me? What if it's just as a friend, I can't assume that he like likes me.

Maybe they're just teasing him, he can't like me that much. But.. What if he does like me, that much. "[Y/n]" Maybe it's just attraction, I know I'm pretty and I know how it's like having a hard time looking at pretty people. "[Y/n]" Well I had a hard time looking at him before, so..

"Earth to [Y/n]." I was brought back to reality by Dolores who was nudging me. Camilo and Pepa were also looking at me with concern, they've never seen me space out huh. Yeah, a person with eyes looking so lifeless and unmoving would concern people.

"Huh, oh sorry." Camilo took my hand, which I noticed weren't held by miss Pepa anymore. He was looking straight at me, his eyes were pretty. A pretty brown colour. "You okay?" "your eyes are pretty-"

"Shes fine Cami, abuela calls for a family picture so we should hurry." They all left to regroup with the rest of the Madrigals, Camilo stayed for a few second to make sure I was okay. I was fine, I'm totally fine. Maybe.

I can still feel the warmth of his hands on mine. AAAAAAA I CAN STILL FEEL HIS WARMTH ON MY HANDS. I- I'm heating up and might as well explode like a firecracker. 'His eyes are pretty'? Are you serious, he could've heard that.

I've never had a crush before, maybe people crushing on me but like- this was different? That sounded dumb. But his eyes really were pretty, I'm never gonna be able to look at him again after this. This isn't just me not being able to handle pretty people anymore, now it's me not being able to communicate to a crush. A crush, people!

I'm overreacting. I always overreact, everyone overreacts. I'm going back home, no not home, gonna go back to my dad.

"Is she gonna be fine?" "Cami, shes fine, she just spaced out. It's a normal recurrence."

".. What's she doing now?" "Overreacting, over heating, and going back to her family."

It was easy to find my Papa for some reason. We was surrounded by children who looked curiously at my little [S/n]. It melted my heart when they said she looked pretty. A kids chirped when they saw me, "She looks even prettier!" Ugh, children getting on my soft side. "Hi Papa."

"Hello [Y/n]." He was letting a kid hold [S/n], speaking softly for them to carefully hold the baby. Me and my dad both have soft sides for children. "You look very red, kid. Is this about that Camilo Madrigal?" "nooope-"

Before I could turn around and run away, Papa took my arm and positioned me to dance. I didn't know how to dance, last time I did successfully dance was when I was gravely into the rythm. "Dad.." "What? Just one dance with your Pops."

I guess I was trying not to step on his feet while we danced. We did held a conversation while trying, him giving me tips and advice on what dancing really is, like listen to the rhythm, go with the beat and stuff. But I really didn't feel like it all of a sudden, there was a lot of people than I thought.

"Don't look at everyone or anything else around you, just look at your partner and you'll do just fine." I still couldn't help but look. And my eyes wondered to the Madrigal family, they all looked happy taking a picture all together.

Except Mirabel. Where is Mirabel?

My shoe tripped on a lose root, luckily my Papa was there to catch me before I fell. "I told you to look at your partner except everywhere else." I chuckled at my near experience of falling down onto the hard bark floor. "Sorry papa." Papa could only softly smiled at me.

"If you promise not to forget about your own family, I'll let you go." Why would I forget my family, it's the only precious thing I have. "You're growing up and I know someday I'll have to let you go." Let me go?

"Papa..?" "This Camilo kid has their eyes on you, even his family knows it." "Papa!" He laughed at me. It wasn't funny. "I don't even know if he's the one, maybe it's just a harmless crush and that's it."

"A crush is a crush and what comes after a crush could be more." He fixed my shirt, "You could never know." And tucked away a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I furthermore fixed my hair by adjusting my red bandana.

"Why do you still wear that bandana?" That's a stupid question, why do I still wear your bandana? "You gave it to me when I was a little bab, I'll forever wear it. Forever.." He untied the bandana before I could complain, he tied it to my neck stating that it was showing to much skin than he liked.

And then, Mirabel busted through with a worried expression.

"The house is in danger!"

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