First Date

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It was a normal day in the Madrigal residence. Everyone was doing their usual chores and taking breaks whenever they needed. Helping out the town while the town helps them as well, for things that are needed.

Camilo was getting ready for the day, which was his off day, but he had plans on this day.

They had a girlfriend, which they've never asked out on a date before. Well haven't asked out on a date, they just became a thing after their confession and that was just it. They were lovely dovey with eachother, yes, always throwing pet names whenever they could.

Most of the days they were together, they were just doing normal teen things like hanging out and other stuff you do when you're a teenager. Like having fun by playing games and pranking people.

No one really spoke up and asked for a date, between them. They just went and go on the days like it was a normal day for them two.

So today, Camilo is gonna finally ask [Y/n] on a date. Just to redeem that they truly are an official couple.

Camilo stood infront of a mirror, well the room was filled with various mirrors facing him but he only needed one to fix himself. His shirt, his poncho and his curls.

He just wanted to look nice on his first date and for his corazon. And nothing else. There wasn't a need to worry if it'll go well or not, whenever he's with her, Camilo knows that everything was gonna be fine.

His room shifted more, some of the mirrors dispersing and formed a decent size cabinet. The male opened the cabinet door to reveal various clothes that weren't really placed neatly.

He took out a poncho that looked a little different from what he wore right now. He wasn't sure if his current top looked okay so he looked if another peaked his interests. The hanged poncho ended up back in the messy cabinet.

"Camilo, do you have any plans on getting out of your room?"

A voice called out from outside his room, the shapeshifting room responding by forming a door in the mostly pitch black place.

The door opened to reveal Mirabel who had a questioning look. She welcomed herself in the strangely weird room of her cousin Camilo.

Said cousin fumbled with his form, surprised at Mirabel's sudden appearance. "Mira, you could've knocked first before you walked in." He sputtered, fixing his collar when he changed back to himself.

The girl looked him up and down nothing subtle changes, noticing he was constantly fixing his clothes nervously. "What's the occasion?"

"Well my dear cousin, I'm gonna ask mi Mahal on a date today." He explained, rebuttoning his tshirt. "You're finally gonna ask [Y/n] on a date?" "GAH- dOlores." Camilo jumped when his sister, like Mirabel did, appeared out of know where.

"Diyós miyo, can't I get some privacy in this house?" He silently complained as he fumbled with his folded cuffs. Dolores moved closer to her younger brother, helping him fix himself. By fixing his poncho and his depressing posture.

The two siblings talked to eachother as Mirabel looked around the somehow hallow room of darkness. Last time she was here, this place looked like a literal party room but turns out the room can change depending on the person's wants and feelings.

She was about to lean on the cabinet when she fell, the cabinet soon shifted into a comfortable arm chair which was what she needed right now. A chair to seat on after a long morning full of house hold chores. "neat"

"Theres nothing to worry about your appearance Camilo, you know [Y/n] wouldn't mind." Dolores spoke to him, she ushered her brother out the open door. "I know, sis" Camilo rolled his eyes at him, ofcourse he knew his girlfriend didn't mind his appearance or clothes at all. Whatever he wore he knew she'd still love it.

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