Ansem the Wise's Sacrifice/Riku returns to normal

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Meanwhile at the Naught's Approach...King Mickey and Haya noticed that Ansem the Wise's device is starting to vibrate. "Ansem?" Haya said, looking worried.

Ansem the Wise laughed. "I'm a fool. I've spent years studying the workings of the heart. Yet it seems I still haven't learned a thing!"

"What d'ya mean?" King Mickey asked.

"The process of encoding hearts is incalculable," Ansem the Wise explained. "The inhabitants of my Twilight Town were data created from real hearts. I was convinced that they would think and behave the way I had envisioned—but I couldn't have been more wrong. A heart is so much more than any system. I saw it when Roxas, Kirihax and Kairi crossed paths. I knew. But I was too stubborn to accept it. It's always the same. I try to wrap my mind around things my heart already knows, only to fail. While I was trying to bring Sora and Hikari back, I had so many plans in store. But once Sora and Hikari were acting forces, they fell apart. All my research amounted to nothing, compared with that one boy and princess's heart."

King Mickey and Haya began to notice that Ansem the Wise's device is starting to spark.

"Ansem!" King Mickey cried.

"Your machine!" Haya cried as well.

"All the more proof that hearts cannot be contained by data," Ansem the Wise said to Haya and The King. "Run, my friends! It's going to self-destruct, and anything could happen!"

King Mickey and Haya frowned. "But..."

"Your Majesty!" Sora shouted as he, Hikari, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Kairi arrived.

Hikari ran over to hug her sister. "Haya!"

Ansem the Wise looked over at Sora and Hikari. "Sora, Hikari, the rest is up to you both..." He looked down. "And Roxas, Kirihax—I doubt you two can hear me—but...I am sorry."

"Ansem!" King Mickey and Haya cried.

"My heart is telling me what I must do," Ansem the Wise said to King Mickey and Haya. "Please allow me to do what it says!"

"No!" King Mickey cried and turns to Riku who grabbed his arm. "Riku!"

Just then...Xemnas appeared to see what was going on. "I was wondering who would dare interfere with my Kingdom Hearts." Then he looked over at Ansem the Wise and the others. "And look—here you all are. How convenient for me. Ansem the Wise... You look pathetic."

	Ansem the Wise sighed as he spoke with Xemnas

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Ansem the Wise sighed as he spoke with Xemnas. "Have your laugh. I deserve as much for failing to see you for the fool you are."

Xemnas smirked. "Students do take after their teachers. Only a fool would be your apprentice. After all, none of this would have happened without you. YOU are the source of all Heartless. It was your research that inspired me to go further than you ever dared."

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