Chapter 6: Another Kryptonian

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Peter was in his normal clothes and was sitting in the lounge in Avengers Tower with the other Avengers.

Dean: We should talk about family and friends to get to know each other better.

Catherine: Sounds fun.

Alex: Yeah.

Peter: Fine.

Shannon: Who'll go first?

Aiden: I will.

Everyone looks at Aiden and begins to listen except for Peter as he heard his parents being threatened.

???: Where has he hidden it?

Wendy: We don't know.


Peter was already in his suit and at his home within seconds, breaking the sound barrier and tackling the man who threatened his parents.

Peter was already in his suit and at his home within seconds, breaking the sound barrier and tackling the man who threatened his parents

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Superman then starts to punch the man over and over again with all his strength for threatening his parents like that.


Superman and the man then arrive in Dunfermline from the speed that they were going and crash into the mall. The man gets up and Superman walks out of a shop he crashed into.

 The man gets up and Superman walks out of a shop he crashed into

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Superman then gets a good look at the man.

Superman then gets a good look at the man

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Superman: Who are you?

???: Zod. Krypton General. I have been looking for you, Kal-El.

Superman: You mean you want my blood?!

Zod: In a sense, yes.

Superman: Not happening.

Zod: Very well. I'll just take your corpse.

???: HEY!!!!

The two look up and see a man in a black, yellow and blue suit with goggle eyes on his mask while standing on a crane that's looking into the mall.

The two look up and see a man in a black, yellow and blue suit with goggle eyes on his mask while standing on a crane that's looking into the mall

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???: That's enough! Look around you two! All the destruction that you both will cause! Don't do it!

Zod: And you are?

???: Names Invincible.

Zod: Let's see about that!

Zod attempts to attack Invincible only for him to get stuck to a wall in green webs, dampening his powers as the webs are mixed with Kryptonite. Just then another hero drops from the sky.

 Just then another hero drops from the sky

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Superman: Thanks Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: No problem, Superman.

Superman: You too, Invincible.

Invincible: Anything to help an Avenger. But, it's true about what I said. If you and that guy fought, there would've been a lot of destruction.

Superman: I know. I was going to attempt to lure him away from here.

Invincible: I see. By the way, a friend of mine is similar to you.

Superman: Really? Who?

Invincible: His name is Omni-Man.

Superman: Nice name. Well, I should get back to the Tower.

Superman then takes off and flies to the tower.

Superman then takes off and flies to the tower

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