Chapter 5: Joining the Avengers

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Superman flies to Edinburgh and floats outside of Avengers Tower.

He uses his x-ray vision with his superhearing and saw Catherine and Aiden

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He uses his x-ray vision with his superhearing and saw Catherine and Aiden. Aiden was confessing to her.

Aiden: Cathy, I know that we're teammates and I have the greatest respect for you.

Catherine: Ok?

Aiden: So, I was wondering if you want to go on a date?

Catherine: Oh, um, Aiden, I think you're a wonderful person, but I don't think of you like that. I love someone else.

Aiden: Really? Who?

Catherine: Believe it or not, I love Superman.

Aiden: Oh. I see.

Catherine: I'm sorry, Aiden.

Aiden: No, no. I want you to be happy. I'm uh... I'm just going to go.

Superman looks at Aiden as he leaves Avengers Tower and was shocked that Catherine loves him as well. Aiden then flies all over the city. Superman then lands on the helipad and saw Alex and David in the control room with Jayne and Kirsten. The four then noticed Superman and walk outside.

Alex: Superman, have you changed your mind?

Superman: This is only temporary. Just to see how I feel about the whole thing.

David: Of course. Ummm, Lewis!

Lewis speeds over.

Lewis: Yeah?

David: Please, show Superman to where he'll be staying.

Lewis: Of course. Right this way, Superman.

Lewis leads Superman to his temporary room.

Lewis: So, joining the Avengers, huh?

Superman: Temporarily. Just to see if things work out.

Lewis: Ah, I see. Well, here we are. If you need anything just say.

Superman: Thanks.

Lewis: No problem. Welcome to the Avengers, Superman.

Lewis speeds off to let Superman get settled in.

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