Chapter 17: Break in

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The alarm blared and the heroes inside the facility panicked.

"What was that?!"

"Is it an attack?!"

The head cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone calm down, we'll handle this, but I do need four volunteers to come with us in case a villain did manage to break in here."

In the end, Shoto, Bakugo, Uraraka, and Kirishima were the ones who went to check the situation.

"You told us, that this place is near impossible to break in." Shoto started.

"That is the goal of this facility, but with the right knowledge and equipment this place is doomed to fall, nothing is invincible, there's always a way to get through things." The head responded.

All of a sudden gunshots echoed through the walls.

"That's him."

Two figures slowly approached the group, but it wouldn't take a genius to know who they were.

The group prepared themselves to attack. Bakugo rushed in first, only to be thrown back in.


Shoto gets thrown afterward.

"Come on Shoto, don't you want to play with your big bro." Dabi chuckled.

Shoto got back on his feet and prepared to launch an attack.


Shouts of terror erupted from the city as there were multiple Nomus attacking the place. Shigaraki and Kurogiri stood at the tallest peak.

"Here they come~" Spinner cackled as multiple heroes could be seen approaching the area, prepared to battle the Nomus that's terrorizing the city.

"Let's take these sons of bitches down!!" Spinner exclaimed. "Are ya ready Toga?"

Toga licked her lips and used her quirk to turn into Izuku.

"Let's do this."


"BASTARD!!!" Bakugo shouted as he continuously launched attacks at Deku.

Izuku dodged his attacks with no problem. He grabbed Bakugo's arm and proceeded to throw him out. The blonde tumbled down but managed to stand on his two feet.

Izuku sighed and pulled a dagger out of his belt.

Waiting for the right timing and angle Izuku stood still as Bakugo lunged an attack. The moment the blonde is close enough, Izuku grabs Bakugo's unignited arm, proceeds to slash the dagger on his other arm, and slams him onto the ground.

The heroes in the background gasped in horror.

One hit, that's all it'll take for him to remove your quirk.


"WE NEED BACKUP!!" One of the heroes fighting the Nomus shouted.

"The others are trapped in the Heroes Training Grounds." One replied.

"This isn't good, there's too much of them." 

Screams and cries for help from citizens can be heard throughout the city.

The heroes on the premises aren't enough to handle everything that's going on.

"Where are the other heroes, why aren't they helping us!!"

Some knew the trouble they were running into and decided to leave immediately. But is soon stopped by Toga, who is disguised as Dequirker.

"Where do you think you're going?" Toga pulled out two daggers from the side pocket of the pants. Izuku gave her these daggers so that the illusion of her being Dequirker could be perfected.

Toga lunges at the heroes and slashed them up. They screamed in pain and tried to fight her off, but their quirks are now gone.

"Now you can run away because you really can't do anything here. Frauds!!!"

The terrorization of the city continues and the hope of more heroes coming to the citizens' rescue is growing thin.

"Everything's going exactly as Izuku planned," Kurogiri said.


Red and Blue fire danced around space as the heated battle between the Todoroki brothers continued.

"Why are you so upset anyway. After everything that he has done to us, the old man deserved it!!" Dabi shouted.

"He had done terrible things, but he learned his wrongdoings and he's trying to change for us!!" Shoto shouted right back, shooting an ice attack toward Dabi.

Shoto panted as the ice completely covered Dabi's body, but after a few seconds, the ice exploded.

"Thanks for the cool-down, bro," Dabi smirked.


Bakugo stared at his wound for a good couple of minutes as Izuku looked down at him.

It's over. His quirk is gone.

"We're not done yet Katsuki." Izuku gritted his teeth and kicked Bakugo in the gut.

Bakugo got up and went in to punch Izuku, who masterfully dodged the attack. Soon Kirishima assisted Bakugo in his fight.

There's sweat dripping down his forehead and dropping to the concrete. He took off his gloves and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I have no idea where you got this quirk from, but you're gonna bring everyone's quirks back!!" Bakugo gave another punch at Izuku, but this time around his attack exploded.

"My quirk," Bakugo whispered.

"I never took it," Izuku said, merging from the smoke with a gash on his face.

"Because you really are a hero, It would be a shame to remove it to someone like you." Izuku continued. "The moment you thought your quirk is gone and yet despite that, you still continue to fight me. I applaud you Katsuki, not everyone can do that." 

"Dequirker, which side are you on, really?" Kirishima spoke. "All you do is remove heroes' quirks, there wasn't a report stating that you've killed any of them, you also brought back Lemillion's quirk, and now you have the perfect opportunity to defeat us all and yet you didn't use your quirk at Bakugo." 

"I believe you have the understanding that I planned to remove everyone's quirk, but that's not the case, I only remove the quirks of the ones unworthy of it." Izuku stepped forward. "There's been severe overcrowding of heroes and it's time to trim the fat. But you don't have to worry Red Riot, you're one of the good ones."

"You've still caused a lot of pain and suffering, I may have understood your beliefs but we still have to take you down."

"I apologize but I can't afford to lose." Izuku stepped forward once again and aimed two handguns at both of them.


*inserts random emoji*

This took way longer to write than I expected.

Don't forget to leave a vote if you like the chapter. And give me some feedback I like to hear your opinions.

Till Next Time.

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