Chapter 16: The tale of how I found my home

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I ran and ran and ran. I mean, that's all I know what to do at this point.

I don't wanna go back there, that wretched place they dare call home.


I laughed at the thought. There is no such thing as that for me.

I shut my eyes and endured the pain in my legs and feet and kept on running.

Without knowing it, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, here let me help you." He spoke so gently.

"You look terrible, a boy like you should be taken care of. Where are your parents anyway?"

"I don't have one." I lied.

"You're obviously hungry, why don't we talk about this over lunch." He offered.

I raised a brow, why would he want to feed me, he barely knows me.

"Come on, aren't you hungry."

My stomach grumbled.

He's not wrong. I am hungry.

I nodded and followed him over to a restaurant called "Mad Haus"

"My name's Izuku Midorya, what's yours."



We entered the restaurant and the delicious aroma made my stomach grumble.

Mr. Midorya heard it and chuckled as we took our seats.

The server gave us the menu, and as soon as I looked at the price, my eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Your hungry, order as much as you want, my treat." Mr. Midorya smiled.

He's a complete stranger and I'm not an idiot. I'm aware of the term, Stranger Danger, but he has this calming aura that makes me trust him.

I nodded and told the server my order, and after he told me his.

"Why are you doing this? What are you up to? "Why did you take me here?" I asked him.

Mr. Midorya chuckled. "I understand why you're suspicious, but I just want to help you, it seems that you ran away from home and you have nowhere else to go."

Although he's not entirely wrong, I still don't get why he's helping me.

"I know the feeling of being so helpless, the feeling where you know you can do something and yet you can't and a child-like you should never have to experience that kind of torment," He said.

"My parents." I took a deep breath. "I lied when I told you I don't have parents." 

"I see."

"I ran away from home. Those bastards never did anything for me, I hate that place." I gritted my teeth.

"But they must be worried sick." 

I laughed. "No way!!" 

"What do you mean?"

"My quirk is one of a kind, but it barely does anything, they're disappointed about that fact." I baled my hand into a fist.

"And just because of that they shunned you off." 

"They're pro heroes, they don't even want my existence to go public, they're embarrassed by me."


"Truth to be told they never cared about anyone except themselves. They're both so self-centered that they're a perfect match for each other. They don't have any use for me. They didn't even try to find me. I left that house 5 weeks ago, not a single peep of concern from them, they didn't even try to call me." I laughed.

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