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Since being with and marrying Happy after my shitty last bit of marriage to man whore Jackson. I've learned so much. One of the many things I've learned is that there are great men out there that can be faithful and love you no matter what. that they won't hurt you or your kids that they will show you all the love and respect you deserve.

Another thing I learned is that my once broken Heart that I had was mended in a way I didn't think possible. I use to think that I'd never find honest true love from a man that loves a woman respectfully. But Happy's showed me so many ways that I have found it and that I'm not losing it any time soon.

It's been five years since Happy and I married, he fully adopted Leyla & Abel and changed their last names to his. I've had three kids by him. a boy that we named David Lowman, and two girls one's name is Augustine Lowman, and the other's name is Everleigh.

When Gem heard of me having more kids she told me that they will not be treated differently by her since they aren't her blood like Leyla and Abel and they can still call her gramma Gem Or Grams if they want.

And still, let her watch all five kids which she enjoys very much since she spoils the shit out of them.

When I take the kids to see their dad the other guys greet and play around with them not treating them any differently since two were from Jax and the other three are Happy's. 

My little family that I have is one I've never known I would truly have after my heartbreak and shit I experience due to Jackson Teller. But Every day I wake and see my husband and kids and I know this is where my life is meant to be, how I am supposed to go on from the pain and everything I experienced. 

When I see Jackson's little boy Thomas that he had with his now wife Tara I don't treat him like shit or show him disrespect I treat him with love and kindness. 

Some of the guys thought that's I would have lost my shit over the whole ordeal but both Happy and I show them that I more than gladly moved on to a better Man and let Tara have the little manwhoring boy.

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