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I was sitting at the dining room table when Jax walked in from the side room wearing low hanging boxers.

"Are you trying to make me drip and attack you?" I asked

He chuckled a bit before he walked over tilted his head looking at me.

"Yep" he says

I pouted which made him smile before he kissed my pouting lips. till I started to smile then he pulled back and sat beside me.

"when is your appointment to find out our babies genders?" he asked

"well I already had that appointment when you was out of town on a run" I tell him

 This time he pouted which I returned the favor of kissing him till he smiled then pulled back.

"I had put some little hints around the house for you to find. here is the first clue to finding your hint" I tell him handing him a piece of paper.

He takes and opened the piece of paper up.

"Where we spend a bit of downtime" he reads.

I nodded my head

"Living room?"

 just shrugged

"oh come on help," he says

"no can do baby," I tell him 

He sighs than walks into the living room and looks around before finding the first hint. after reading that he moves on with the clue for the other hint.

I sit there waiting as he walks through the house going where the clues are leading him.

Once he's done he comes back and sits back before me and lays all the hints out.

"any idea?" I asked

"No. not yet," he says as he keeps reading and rereading the hints.

He looked at me for a moment before the biggest smile I've ever seen on him takes over his features and he pulls me into a kiss.

"We are having fraternity twins," he says

"Yea boy and girl," I tell him

"I can't believe it" he says 

"I thought it was boys. but the scan shows different" I tell him before handing them over letting him see our son and daughter.

"We need to come up with names."

I agreed with him of course.

While I was thinking of names Jax leaned down and talked to our babies as he rubbed and creased my stomach.

"what about Atarah Leyla Teller for our baby girl and our son Abel Thomas Teller?" I asked

 He straightened up and looked at me.

"I really like them. I love and appreciate you putting my brother's name as our son's middle" he says

"well it's a way to honor him in remembrance and it means a lot to you" I tell him

He tears up a bit which makes me cup his face as I brush the tears that fall.

"Awe baby" I cooed.

He leans his head on my shoulder making me drop my hands wrapping them around him instead as I comfort him.

"Thank you so much," he says

"Its nothing you'd not thought of for me," I tell him

He lifts his head and I wipe his tears before i kiss him softly. 

"I love you and I'd do anything I could to make you happy and proud." I tell him

"I know and I am so thankful to have you as my wife and mother to our son and daughter," he says

I kissed him again before I rest my forehead against his both of us closing our eyes just enjoying to moment together.

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