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Since learning of Atara & Abel. Jax has done more than enough to help provide for them and to make sure I'm comfortable and have all that I need. 

I keep telling him that I don't need much and they don't either but he tells me it's just in case or you never know what could happen that we'd need more.

Seeing this side of Jax is one that makes my heart warm and just pleases me how incredible he is.

Now that we are nearing our end of pregnancy term Jax has been a whole lot more determined if that's even possible.

When he's not busy on the lot or with the club he's right beside me making sure I'm not staying on my feet for too long, have anything I crave, and practically gives me all I'd ever want and need which I had told him time and time again that I don't need much just him and out babies and I'm fine. 

"But he tells me time and time again. that it makes him feel needed when he does simple things for me.

and my point blank reply was daddy is always gonna be needed by me and our twins.

A grand majority of the time that I do the simplest thing, Jax, usherers me of to sit down or he will scoop me up into his arms and sit me on the counter or carry me to the bed our couch and point me telling me to be good and rest while he handles things like dishes, clothes, picking up after me once I finish showering.

And to show my gratitude I give him blow jobs and I peg him. more blow jobs cause he prefers him being in my mouth as I drive him crazy.

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