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Jax's pov~~~
I was sitting there by Opie watching Aria and my mom talking for a bit till some crow eaters along with prospect came and asked for some help to unload the car and I'll be damned if Aria didn't get up and go out to offer help.

"she's gonna be the damn death of me. fuck the damn shit we are doing. its my ol lady that's gonna put me in my grave" I tell Opie 

He laughed thinking it's funny since he's not dealing with it.

I lit a smoke and watched as she carried in what looked to be the light stuff so appenerently they are telling her that she can't carry heavy things which she doesn't need to do. but knowing her beautiful ass she'd try her damndest to try. unless mom got a hold of her.

They made a few trips till all was inside then the crow eaters and everyone left Aria alone which I didn't like one bit.

"look at her" Opie says

I looked over and about lost my shit watching her doing things that she doesn't need to be doing.

I quickly put my cigarette out and walked over scooped her up making her squeak in surprise before I walked off with her to my door where I shut and locked the door after placing her on the foot of the bed.

"are you trying to kill me or harm our babies?" I started 

"no Jackson I'm not I know what I'm doing, ok I wouldn't ever harm Atara or Abel. and for you to think I'd do such a thing hurts. I mean what the fuck kind of trust do you have in me. or did that fucking fly out the window?" she asked folding her arms under her breast that I've gone stupid for am moment just picturing them bare and me suckling on them.

I really went out of focus that I didn't hear nor see her get up and walk out the room till I heard the door shut.

"Fuck" I say walking out and chased after my baby momma.

"Wait please" I say

"fuck you Jackson Nathainal. ok. How the fuck dare you think I'd ever fucking hurt our babies I mean honestly 'd fucking take a hot iron to my fucking hand or leg before I let harm come their way" she says ais she unlocks her car and climbs in.

I sighed rubbing my face as I watch her drive off.

"fuck. I'm in hot water" I say to no one in general.

"no baby you in the damn dog house. where you belong for pulling that shit." mom says

I looked at her.

"I get it that you was worried but you took it too far when you implied that she'd hurt yours and her twins."

I nodded my head.

"I know she'd rather feel the pain than for them to be hurt in anyway and it was stupid of me to say what I had" I tell her

"Tell you what. I'm going get her calmed down you stay here maybe for the night. don't fuck any damn crowater or pussy at all or I wont help you when she finds out" mom says

"thank you" I say before she walked off getting in her SUV while I headed to the picnic tables and say down lighting another smoke up and resting my temple against my thumb.

"fuck yourself over huh?" some crowater asked

I just gave her one simple look and she shut up and walked away while Opie walked out and sat by me.

"This is the fun part of dealing with your wife while she's pregnant. the hormones,mood swings,and snapping so easily" he says

"I could had gone about it a different way. maybe offered help so that way I knew she'd have help and I could do the hard heavy lifting not that she'd do that. I just freaked out and went dad mode" I say

"its understandable,I've done it. hell I'm sure all of us that had experienced being or becoming a father has done it." Opie says

I sighed as I flicked my cigarette before I called Aria.

"What Jackson?"

"I wanna say I am sorry for my fuck up. I know this isn't an excuse but I seen you moving about not having help and I just got protective. I am sorry I said what I had I know you'd never harm our babies and I should've just offered my help and not opened my mouth" I tell her

She sighs.

"look I get where your coming from I really do. i just hurts that you'd think that I'd stoop so low as to harm our twins when we've tired so long to have them. Yea I could have done things differently like you could had but we both didn't and it resulted in me leaving and you sulking to Opie while smoking while Gem is here calming me down" she says

I smiled loving how she knows me so well.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked

"what in it for me if you are?"

"pleasure ...endless pleasure."

Opie made a face which made me smile while putting my cigarette out.

"what if I want more?"

"like what?"

"we've talked about feeding right?"


"well I need your help with that with no complaining and from this point forth what I do that isn't risky or harmful not like i'd harm them or myself while carrying them. but anyways. while I'm pregnant no complaining coming from my baby daddy alright. I get some oral, I get release fro my sore leaking breast. and I get to be in control for a long while after I heal."

"Deal baby. whatever you want."

"Jaxxy I don't want much just, my baby daddy, to get home and eat me out so I can feed him milk then get taken from behind cause momma sure as hell need freaking release." 

"be home in five."

"Please don't speed cause you'll be pulled over and stupid shit will happen. you know Charming cops has it out for the sons so don't give them a reason to try and lock you up, please."

"I promise baby I will not do any of that and I'll get home safely."

"love you"

"I love you more."

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