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Hisoka carried you out to the main room and dropped you on your bum, causing you to groan in pain.

"I happened upon our little dear Y/N here, trying to squeeze out of a window." He looked down at you with a teasing smirk, causing you to shiver. This man was the creepiest clown you had ever seen.

You felt the eyes of a few of the Phantom Troupe members plastered onto your cowering form.

Why am I scared? I'm innocent, so they won't do anything to me, right?

"Listen, Ms. Honkers already proved I didn't tell anyone about the troupe, so can't I just leave already?" You crossed your arms, standing up and trying to regain composure. "Frankly, I'd like to return to my apartment. I haven't been there in months and I cannot simply imagine the amount of dust accumulating on everything in there." You growled, glaring at Hisoka with a fiery petulance.

Chrollo turned towards you and slowly saunters over, clutching your chin between his thumb and index fingers. "You sure do complain a lot for someone at the mercy of about 12 criminals." He examined your eyes, which burned with annoyance. Youdidnt seem to waver, even at the disposal of this highly-known murderer.

If there was one thing you could thank that God forsaken traitor, Rowan for, it would be the important lesson she taught you. 'Don't take anyone's bullshit.'

"I'm not scared of you. I know you aren't going to kill me, or else you would have already." You smirked at Chrollo as he stared down at you, a small smirk playing onto his lips.

"You're an interesting one, Y/N." He purred and let go of you, tilting his head back to stare at the ceiling. He seemed to be in deep thought as he snaked his long fingers through his slicked back hair. "Hmmm, you know nen now, don't you? Perhaps you could do a little demonstration for us?" Chrollo backed up a bit, and watched as pure confusion plagued your features.

"I mean... I guess I could." You shrugged and took a deep breath, bringing your hands in front of you. "I don't exactly like my ability all to much. It was very rushed and needs some work fleshing out the ideas and tweaking the little flaws. But I'm a specialist, and it is called 'The Hands of A God.'" You sighed and held your right hand in front of your face. "I can create a dagger with either middle finger, and with my thumb I can kind of change my aura so I can heal people, it's harder to do it on myself though. And if I hold up 4 fingers I can borrow somebody's aura." You explained each ability before bringing yourself to your last, and personally favorite ability. "Shadow Puppet. If I can form a vague shape of anything with my hands, I can create it with my nen. The only thing that I've been able to maintain that is actually useful is a wolf." You looked at your hands and brought them together, closing your eyes and focusing your aura. "Shadow Puppet." You murmured the abilities name and waited as the wolf slowly began to take shape next to you. It sat down as soon as it was summoned, a small bump on its head from where Rowan had hit it, which you were surprised at considering it was made of nen.

Chrollo studied you curiously. The dog whipped its tail back and forth, causing Hisoka to stumble back to avoid tripping.

The dog sniffed at Chrollo curiously before flattening its ears, giving him a suspicious look.

"Interesting." He seemed to be deep in thought. "Your assets would be quite useful." He sighed, tilting his head. "We do need some more hands on deck since Uvogin..." He held a finger up to his chin as he thought. "Y/N, would you care to join the Phantom Troupe?"

The question stunned you. You stared at the tall man before you, confusion and bewilderment in your eyes.

You didn't particularly have anything against the Phantom Troupe. Besides the killing and stealing, they weren't that bad. They were certainly better than the asshole law inforcement and politicians who didn't care about anything but the pay or power, or the shitty businessmen who resulted to dirty tactics for their money.

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