xv. (a short chapter for yall)

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You hated the fact that - no matter how hard you tried - you couldn't resist him.

Feitan stared down at you, a sly smirk across his face. "You so childish."

"Says the one currently trying to seduce me." You retorted, looking away to hide your embarrassment.

"It seems to be working." His whisper sent chills down your spine and he grabbed your chin, turning your head to face him. "Perhaps... I should do it again." You squirmed. You wanted to protest, but you couldn't. Why did you want it to happen again.

"I had a dream about you." You quickly spat out. God, why did you say that? Feitan seemed surprised, however he quickly hid it with a smirk.

"Oh really? What about?" His fingers traced your jaw, making you shiver as his fingers ghosted over your skin.

"W-well I woke up in this ballroom and I was the queen... and then you asked me to dance at the masquerade ball a-and then we danced and wh-when we were done... we-we..." you took a deep breath. "You kissed me." Your face was now tomato red as the words fell clumsily out of your mouth. Feitan seemed a bit embarrassed himself, although he tried to hide it by sinking into his bandana.

"And you didn't tell me? I could've... fulfilled your dreams much sooner." He smirked and cupped your cheeks in his hands. He licked his lips, giving you a cheeky grin before connecting your lips again, deepening the kiss with a tilt of his head. Your eyes fluttered closed and you instantly melted, feeling like putty in his hands. A few strands of ebony black hair tickled your forehead. His hands suddenly felt warm and inviting. Why did you enjoy this so much.

He licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You denied with a cheeky grin. He frowned a bit and disconnected the kiss, leaving you dissatisfied.

"Heyyy... what was that for?" You whined, staring up at his sly smirk.

"You deny me." He mumbled, brushing some hair out of your face. "So I punish you. Bad girl." He hummed quietly. Something about his raspy voice saying those words made your stomach flip, but in a good way. You loved this feeling.


AN: Sorry for such a short chapter but alas, I have a bit of news. Not horrible, but not great.

No no, I'm not going on hiatus or discontinuing the story.

However, due to mental health reasons, school, the sort, I will be going a very short break, and then uploading very inconsistently, or whenever I find the time and motivation :( I'm very sorry to the like... one person reading this story lmao. Thank you for your support and enjoy this kinda spicy chapter I guess lol.

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