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Kian Turner

Working politely while minding your own business in the presence of someone you want to beat badly that no one could recognize their face is so fucking hard.

Ezra must have perceived that Aura told me what he did which is why he kept giving me ugly stares and that irked me, it was as though he was willfully mocking me for not being man enough to fight for my girl.

If it weren't for Aura, I would have taken Ezra in the corner to knock some senses into his brain—that is if he had one.

We all were extremely busy decorating the wedding aisle for the wedding the next day. I and Joy were given the task to arrange the chairs for the guests to sit during the ceremony.

Aura was working along with Rachel and Leo on the altar. While Vinnie, Mia, and Ezra were given flower tasks. I was arranging the chairs on the left side of the altar while Joy was on the other side doing the same work.

I was attentively doing my job, although, my gaze kept traveling to Aura from time to time, taking in her carefree self. Her constant smiling face was proof that she was enjoying the moment. Also, I didn't miss the private glances she kept throwing at me. Had we been alone, I'd have kissed her senseless.

Only if she didn't want to keep us a secret from our teammates, I would have glued myself to her and showed everybody how lucky I was to have her by my side.

I didn't know I had been staring at her with a smile until she waved her hand and mouthed 'do your work'. Blinking, I hastily covered my smile and turned my back to her. Damn, I was behaving like a lovesick hormonal teenager.

Love? Wasn't it too early to term it as love? Certainly, it was.

Shaking my head at my dumb self, I began doing my work, only to be interrupted by someone again.

"Smiling while busy at work. Hmm, I wonder if it's Aura's ambiance or..." Gemma trailed off as she came and stood by me.

"And what makes you think it's her?" I raised my eyebrows at her. She stood by me with her hands stuffed in her shorts pockets and she tried to hide the smile that kept knocking on her lips.

"I'm not dumb, Kian." She rolled her eyes. "I know you more than anyone here does."

"You should be knowing the love of your life inside out, not me," I stated, then wiggled my eyebrows.

"Are you by chance not over me yet? Well, if you aren't, please move on. I ain't coming back to you." I winked and earned a slap on my arm from her.

"I don't want it either, you jerk." She threw a venomous glare at me. "I was merely confirming my doubt."

"Anyway, how is the task I gave you coming along?" I changed the topic because I surely didn't want to discuss my almost girlfriend with my ex.

She sighed. "It's pretty tough if you ask me. You were out yesterday evening or else you would have witnessed the jealousy in Mia's eyes when I introduced Rachel to the other female guests here."

A smile broke on my lips as I ruffled her hair. "I knew you'd do it!"

She slapped my hand away from her hair and combed it with her fingers, scowling. "Hey, Don't touch my hair."

"Even though you did a great job, I want you to come up with something phenomenal, for you have only today to act." I reminded her. "Act now if possible. This is the right time."

I added as I scanned my surrounding. Guests and other workers were all roaming around and it was the best time to bring Mia out of her shell.

"I too want to end it quickly. And just so you know, I have something brilliant cooking in my mind." She smirked and I smirked as well.

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