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❤I am back❤


Aura Finley

No matter how many times I had done it, yet every time it felt new. Like I was doing it for the first time.

Uncertainty of the events would always make me nervous out of my wits; fear of being caught; fear of messing things up would never leave me, yet I never turned back, after all, it was the matter of my words, my livelihood, and was the matter of my escape from the hungry shark I foolishly had myself surrounded with.

To find my escape from problems, I chose a way that would help me as well as others who were in difficulties. I became an escape planner. I helped people escape from situations from which they couldn't get out on their own.

It all started two years back when I had just graduated from college and had got a decent job in a company. One of my colleague's friends was stuck under the claws of her boss who worked in another company. I happened to hear her agony and decided to help her. I managed to free her from her scum of a boss and helped her fly to another country and helped find a decent job. Since then, I had helped twelve people from the tortures they had been enduring. And people would pay me for helping them and that motivated me to continue planning escapes because a little extra money doesn't hurt.

But I had my rules! I would not do anything illegal and always made sure that my client's life after the much-needed escape was better. If not, I would not plan their escape to throw them in worse. This secret work of mine thrilled me, satisfied me, and motivated me, unlike my nine-to-five downright boring job, where I had just been grinding myself to make my ends meet.

No fun! No excitement! Nothing!

I still had my nine-to-five job because I had to earn to live since my secret job provided me with less and unstable earning. However, due to my secret job, I had to take too much off from my work hence, I got blacklisted and was given warnings of being kicked out from my job several times. Still, I somehow managed to make it till now without being kicked out.

I so wanted to leave my job and switch to something thrill activity. I had always imagined a life full of adventure, but with stability. Stability is something I couldn't jeopardize because I have had a terrible experience living an unstable life. I wished I could find an escape from my own boring life.

Sighing, I looked in front of me, at the decorated entrance of a wedding ceremony. My new project. My new client had been waiting for me inside so that I could help her escape. And no, it's wasn't the bride the needed escape, it was her best friend. She was stuck in an abusive relationship and wanted out. She had tried many times but unfortunately failed. Somehow she got to know about me and asked for my help. So, with the help of my contacts, I had already found her a place to live in another place, far away from San Francisco.

She had told me that her boyfriend would accompany her to the wedding since he would not let her go anywhere alone. I had everything planned, I just needed the right moment to flee her away.

Taking a deep breath, I checked my handbag for the last time if I had everything needed in it. I have always been wary when it comes to carrying my belongings. I always check my belonging again and again even though I have already checked them hundreds of times.

I rummaged through my bag.
Sneakers. Check.
A wig. Check.
Tee and jeans. Check.
Sunglasses. Check.

I had to bring these things for my client's makeover so that she could escape without being caught by her boyfriend. Once I was satisfied that I had everything I needed, I padded inside. I had to be discreet while finding the room where the bride-to-be was since my client was with her. Carefully, making sure not to be seen by anyone, I quickly marched ahead. My head was lowered and I couldn't see who was coming my way and that drove me to bump into someone pretty hard. I squeaked and my handbag fell to the ground.

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