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Aura Finley

Why is it always your eyes look for the person who you decided to avoid at any cost? Why is it hard to take your eyes off them?

It was low and unacceptable of me to leave Kian in the middle of our conversation, but I couldn't simply stand before him and pretend I was alright. I had just seen him kiss a girl and that bothered me to the core.

I tried, I tried my best to concentrate on what the DJ was teaching to me but my mind was not in the right place, and my eyes constantly kept flicking to Kian who was busy talking with his ex. Although Rachel was with them too, Kian's closeness with his ex, his hand around her neck as he whispered something in her ear, dropped my heart in the pit of my stomach.

If only I could build a wall to resist looking at them. Even meeting each other after years they seemed like a couple who never broke up— whatever the reason been.

Momentarily, our eyes met, and everything and everyone else disappeared from my view. On the first day we met, I could never have guessed I would ever get lost in the eyes of the flirty jerk who annoyed me to death. He was a fine example of handsomeness with flaws. I had a sudden urge to caress his face, feel the stubble around his jaw, inhale his scent, grab his collars, harshly pull him towards me, and ask— what magic did he cast on me that I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Why was it that I wanted to spend time with him, listen to him crack jokes, smile and laugh with him, and stay silent... with him.

I wanted to be courageous enough to put aside my ego and yell at him that his closeness with other girls offended me. I had never said it out loud, but I wanted to confess it now that sparks flowed in my veins whenever he touched me. He excited me. However, I was being a chicken and didn't want to boost his ego by being another girl on his list that confessed her feelings for him. Besides, we were going to separate our ways after our task here was done and also I didn't know him enough yet to take risk of falling for him. Or had I already?

Just then, my vision blurred, and the connection with Kain's gaze broke when Ezra snapped his fingers in my face.

"Earth to Aura. This poor man here has been asking you if you got what he said but seem lost somewhere."

"Uh, oh, I'm so sorry," I quickly apologized to the DJ. How could have I gotten distracted when I was the one who showed interest in learning the DJ system. I removed the headphones and handed them back over to him. "Guess, this isn't for me. Anyway, thank you for giving me your time."

Smiling, he nodded his head in understanding and I stepped away from him. Ezra said something to him and then came and walked with me.

"Hey, what happened all of a sudden? You were thrilled a while ago." He questioned.

What should have I told him as to what got me distracted?

I glanced at him before looking ahead and shrugged. "It doesn't excite me anymore."

"Oh, alright." He mumbled and continued to walk with me. We both kept our silence until he chose to start a conversation.

"You know we are walking aimlessly with no work why not try to know each other? Would you mind if I ask where did you work before you joined our team?"

"Uh, it's my first job." I lied since I couldn't tell him where I worked as it would lead to further complicated questioning sessions.

"What about you?" I asked to keep the flow going and to stop myself from turning back and look at Kian again.

"Ah, I worked at a small event planning company before I joined Zoya recently to level up my skills. Learning from her how to build an event planning business." He replied sincerely.

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