Evil Twittler Force Among Us

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No one's POV:: While preparing, Henry and the others had a feeling that it was a trap, but Captain Man had faith that everything would work out as Schwoz watched them eat popcorn. Captain Man and AWOL went to the Nakatori Tower to knock out Drex, but upon defeating him, ShoutOut used her shout to knock them down till Henry and Brainstorm confronted her, Keres came from behind Bose and started to take his energy."He-nrry"Bose say's Henry sees Keres taking Boses energy but they're both knocked down by Volt, Drex and the girls to capture Henry."Boss wants us to take that 1." Chapa said to Drex, so Keres went and helped Drex drag Henry to Chapa and Mika. Keres teleport them to the tower. In the tower, Chappa and Mika put Henry in the Twittler machine for his plan Kere's in the middle of Twitler and Drex watching the girls. Drex was furious because he wanted to fight Henry, but he accepted this revenge very well then twitler turned on the device that uses Henry's powers for a force field. Keres looked like she got tased and fell to her knees she looked up at henry then Rick "The boys are on their way here. "She gets back on her feet, and everyone gets ready. In the nest, Captain Man felt guilty about capture his friend until Brainstorm and AWOL motivated him while Schwoz reported that Twitler's plan was continuing, so the trio teleported to the Nakatori tower, but realize they were there. But when the boy's look up, they were all looking at them. Being seen by the villains. Captain Man confronted Drex and was fighting but he dragged him from the tower. Keres was looking for AWOL and she see's Brainstorm made ShoutOut and Volt attack each otherer's goes to Brainstorm and grabbed him by shirt and lifting him up while taking the energy and putting it in Drex and Twitler then Chapa and Mika till AWOL pushed me and stops me.Captain Man then climb back up to free Henry, but was attacked by Cyborg Rick Twitler, Volt, Sade, and ShoutOut with their abilities while AWOL and Brainstorm defeated Drex with the energy Brainstorm has left.Captain Man successfully freed Henry and the machine deactivate, but Volt threw Captain Man out of the tower again.Henry knockout Volt and ShoutOut, nothing happen to Keres, Henry faced Cyborg Rick Twitler, Sade, and Drex while Brainstorm and AWOL released ShoutOut and Volt.Henry again defeated Drex, but accidentally knocked Captain Man and Drex to the ground. Keres then started to push him down, almost breaking the tower floor with her ability on Henry. Then Volt say. "Let him go Keres."Sade looksat her then Henry.Then Shoutout says"We said Let him go Keres."she looked at henry and let gothen pushed him to them and started to push him down, almost breaking the tower floor agian.Sade got stoped when Shoutout screamed, and she fell and got up Twitler went to her side. "You'll use all of your abilities got it."Keres nods looking at Henry getting saved by the Danger Force and Shoutout and Volt managed to break free from Cyborg Twitler control.Sade looks at Danger Force and her eye's turn green.Her hand's start to have fire and lighting.Rick looks at Danger force and they looks a little scared."YOur powers against themselves and more Keres kill them."Sade's still looking at the Danger force."Yes Sir." Keres starts with Mika screams at her Mika hits the railing .Keres Teleport behind AWOL and burn his hand then elbow his head making him fall and Teleport back to her spot.Keres look at bose.Keres lift's up Brainstorm makes him hit his head and stop's he falls seem's unconscious.It was only Volt and Henry left.Kris's hands start to glow green with lighting and smiles at Volt.Volt walks close to Keres and her hands turn red but has a sad look on her face and look at Henry."Let's finish this Sade."Keres smiled and started using their power and who ever stops I won't say.But then Henry ran in front after Volt stopped and Sade gets hit and falls.Awol and Brainstorm is holding Keres. Henry covers her mouth while Sade's trying to get out.Volt and ShoutOut put on the goggles Sade twitch a little.They let go Sade takes off the goggles and screams seeing Rick. "Keres show him what he did."Henry says and she knods.Keres looks at him and sign 'sorry' and she screamed her heart out.She open her eye's Captain Man came back up and realized that the Danger Force defeated Twitler.In the nest, the Danger Force and Henry celebrated the victory while Schwoz had Twitter's head locked away.Keres has been quite. Henry and Captain Man now answered his calls, and they were worried that Drex was still free. Henry says that Drex could be anywhere in town or Dystopia.Henry agrees to take care of Drex and leaves, hugging Ray.When Twitter's robot body escaped, Schwoz began to chase him while the Danger Force laughed and Henry was nostalgic for the old days before leaving for Dystopia but then the net morning Keres was gone nowhere to be seen in the Man's Nest. 
PS:(this stopped danger force episodes for abit )

PS(#2): There is 2 more Parallel episodes from Henry Danger but they are in like 4-6 chapter's

Born A villian made a Hero (Danger force Oc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum