A New Problem

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I look at the unknown person."I don't know you so I wouldn't want to wear your mask."The one in the orange say's."We will see green bean."The 1 in the with white mask cames to me and takes a device that looks like it goes on a head from the red mask then the full whire one takes it off.I look at him shocked"Wait Dr. Minyak."It's him why did they take me here to him.

He smiled at me."Hi little shadow haven't seen you since your mom died."I look at him."I wasn't there when my mom died."I say looking at him I was getting angry but my hands didn't get hot.I knew it's things in my wrist that stops my ability."Ya you watched Captain Man and Kid Danger sitting there while your mom getting hurt for dating a villain then they helped finish the job and erase the memory of it I know, I was there."I looked at him and started to try to break free."Shut Up."I say trying not to cry.

He looks at me and then at the thing in his hand."You really think I'm lying about all the hero's you helped, or learning how to kill from your mother's killers."A tear falls from my face."I said SHUT UP."I screamed, the lights went out then back on.I looked up confused.He looked at me and laughed a little."Now you're ready."He put the head thing on me and some of them lifted my chair and took me to a different room that has science stuff and screens."This is where you have been this whole time you know some villains got worried your you know dead."He looks at me like he didn't care."

They're going to put your feet and hand in the liquid and this on your head it'll scramble your memories and you'll know what I want you to the liquid will help."I see him typing on the computer while the other people get the liquid."PLZ tell me you didn't do this to them."He stops and looks at me."No some of them are your age and doing it to you hurts me alot but this is their home that's why they do it." Dr. Minyak say's and goes back to typing.I was looking around and the 1 with a red splash of paint came to me.

"They call me cherry but my name's Mars, sorry that this is our real first conversation."I look at Mars and smile."Thank you Mars If I wasn't tied down I'd hug you and I can tell you without being brainwashed or whatever we'll be great friends."Mar's giggled and rubbed their hand on my shoulder.Yellow walked to us.

"The machine will be turned on in 40 seconds so tell us a name you want."I look at yellow and then Mars."Will I remember this talk?"I look at yellow."I don't know."Yellow sayings."Well I know about Greeny for the nickname and my name Snake."At least I'll have something from danger force with me.They Say they like it.Dr. Minyak then starts to count from 10 to 1. Everything went black.
The New Memories 

are that Keres thinks that all of the people in the mask replaced all of the times with her dad and danger force.Keres has no memory of danger force only memories was when they met in Villain Night and finding out their weaknesses but everytime they say her real name that was gone too.I knew all of the mask people.
Red=Mars she/her 15, Orange=Sunset she/her 17, yellow=solar she/he 16, blue=moon he/they 14, and purple=Twilight they/she 13.
That is the names that we call them.They made Keres think that her dad gave her away.She was told that she has been there since 5 years of age.The one she gets along with the most is Mars is 15 years old and are in a relationship they have been in a relationship on week 4.The other mask people that did give us a name we say sir, boss, and Mr.

In real life the last time they ever say me was 5 months ago.She can't take off her mask around anyone but the masked people and if you do you have to change your look so no one think your a mask person but your mask has cuts and scratches on her mask.They have never let Snake aka Keres go on a mission but she goes and gets food with Mars a lot as a date.

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